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6360 results found
Health topics
… with cool water . Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye under a running faucet …
Health topics
… scoot forward until you are on the edge of the seat. Bring your feet in toward the chair. Then stand up. Use the arms of the chair to push yourself up while keeping your back straight. If your seat does not have arms, …
Health topics
… veins Varicose veins are common during pregnancy. To lower your risk, use measures that are safe during pregnancy. … Prolonged sitting and standing puts added stress on your veins. Lie on your side when you are sleeping or resting. This takes the …
Health topics
… . They plot measurements on a growth chart to see how your child compares physically to other children of the same … that can cause weight gain. This may include questions about eating and physical activity habits . Routine checkups … that can cause weight gain. This may include questions about eating and physical activity habits . Routine checkups …
Health topics
… loss of memory and of how well you can speak, think, and do your daily activities. The disease gets worse over time, but … as a microwave. Has trouble making decisions. Is confused about what time and day it is. Gets lost in places that the … memory loss. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about memory loss. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will …
Medical tests
… kit contains specially treated test strips.You hold them in your urine stream or dip them in a sample of your urine. The … you use a home test kit, make sure that your doctor knows about any abnormal test results. And if your test doesn't … you use a home test kit, make sure that your doctor knows about any abnormal test results. And if your test doesn't …
Health topics
… (AI). This is used only when there isn't enough information about a nutrient to set the RDA. It's the level that experts … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … (AI). This is used only when there isn't enough information about a nutrient to set the RDA. It's the level that experts …
Health topics
… was also a minister, she felt safe to examine everything about her life. Debbie wrote for hours in her journal and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … was also a minister, she felt safe to examine everything about her life. Debbie wrote for hours in her journal and …
Health topics
… and behaviours may sway them to act with little thought about the end result. The teenage brain has not reached full … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … and behaviours may sway them to act with little thought about the end result. The teenage brain has not reached full …
Health topics
… that may be used to hold the edges of a small cut together. Your doctor may apply a skin adhesive instead of stitching your cut. A liquid will be applied to your skin and allowed to dry. As it dries, it creates a film …