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2435 results found
… developing an infection or certain types of cancer (such as skin cancer, lymphoma). To reduce the risk of these serious … right away if you develop any of the following: unusual skin changes, change in the appearance/size of moles, … more details. Since this drug can be absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are …
Health topics
… gets worse, symptoms may include fatigue, yellowing of the skin ( jaundice ), small red spots and tiny lines on the skin, bruising easily, weight loss, itching, belly pain, and … include: Fatigue. Small red spots and tiny lines on the skin, called spider angiomas. Bleeding problems, such as …
Health topics
… is an abnormal thickening of tissue beneath the skin in the palm of the hand. The first symptom often is a … involves removing the thick and fibrous tissue beneath the skin of the palm. Fasciotomy involves using small cuts to … , with the fingers still being curled. Damage to the skin, caused by trying to surgically separate the skin from …
Health topics
… Pregnancy Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older Sleep, Rest, and Breastfeeding Sleeping Better Snoring Snoring and … Pregnancy Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older Sleep, Rest, and Breastfeeding Sleeping Better Snoring Snoring and …
Health topics
… St. John's wort shouldn't be taken while you're pregnant or breastfeeding. The Natural and Non-Prescription Health … St. John's wort shouldn't be taken while you're pregnant or breastfeeding. The Natural and Non-Prescription Health …
Health topics
… This is especially important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in … This is especially important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in …
Health topics
… your doctor might suggest meeting with an expert on breastfeeding called a lactation consultant. The doctor can … your doctor might suggest meeting with an expert on breastfeeding called a lactation consultant. The doctor can …
Health features
… information and resources in British Columbia, including videos (Punjabi and Simplified Chinese subtitles available), …
Health topics
… Some apps let your friends and family record inspiring videos that you can play when you're having a hard time with … Some apps let your friends and family record inspiring videos that you can play when you're having a hard time with …
Health topics
… time includes TV, computers, tablets, smartphones, and video games. If you are considering limiting screen time, … time includes TV, computers, tablets, smartphones, and video games. If you are considering limiting screen time, …