2435 results found
Health topics
… opioid patches. As soon as you peel a patch off of your skin, fold it in half with the sticky sides together. … Opioids can be very dangerous. Protect yourself by asking your doctor or pharmacist about a take-home naloxone … or throat. Signs of an overdose, including: Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or restlessness. Severe …
Health topics
… tiny changes in posture that help you keep your balance. Skin pressure sensation gives you information about your … tiny changes in posture that help you keep your balance. Skin pressure sensation gives you information about your …
Health topics
… Canada's food guide: Healthy eating when pregnant and breastfeeding Healthy Eating Guidelines for Pregnancy …
Health topics
… can evaluate your baby, it is usually not advisable to stop breastfeeding or switch formula as a means to remedy … can evaluate your baby, it is usually not advisable to stop breastfeeding or switch formula as a means to remedy …
Health topics
… and delirium . Feeling confused. Feeling sleepy. Yellow skin or eyes. Symptoms of heart failure , such as breathing … and delirium . Feeling confused. Feeling sleepy. Yellow skin or eyes. Symptoms of heart failure , such as breathing …
Health topics
… pain will gradually get less over the next few days. The skin covering the clot may break open on its own, causing … pain will gradually get less over the next few days. The skin covering the clot may break open on its own, causing …
Health topics
… ability to clot and cause bruising or bleeding under the skin. A few examples are: Medicines (called blood thinners) … ability to clot and cause bruising or bleeding under the skin. A few examples are: Medicines (called blood thinners) …
Health topics
… the rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac can be spread to skin from: Sporting equipment, such as fishing rods, balls, … the rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac can be spread to skin from: Sporting equipment, such as fishing rods, balls, …
Health topics
… the right spot, the doctor uses a tiny needle to numb the skin. Then the doctor puts the nerve block needle into the … the right spot, the doctor uses a tiny needle to numb the skin. Then the doctor puts the nerve block needle into the …
Health topics
… fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very … fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of your eyes or skin ( jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very …