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Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Healthy skin is a barrier between the inside of the body and the … environment. A rash means that some change has affected the skin. In most cases, a rash is a minor problem or is part of … soaps used to wash cloth diapers. Impetigo . This bacterial skin infection is caused by strep or staph bacteria. Heat …
Health topics
… cramps. Raised, red, itchy bumps called hives and red skin. These symptoms often occur with other symptoms of a … great numbers. Reaction to bee stings can range from minor skin swelling and redness to a serious allergic reaction. … its belly in a circular pattern at multiple sites. A large skin reaction with swelling and redness that spreads away …
Health topics
… or throat. Signs of an overdose, including: Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or restlessness. Severe … interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, ask your doctor or pharmacist if all the …
Health topics
… cause a little swelling. Or it can cause red bumps on your skin that hurt. In rare cases, the swelling may make it hard … interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, ask your doctor or pharmacist if all the …
Health topics
… and can become severe. Lupus may cause problems with your skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, nerves, or blood cells. … having joint pain or swelling (arthritis) , a fever, and a skin rash . You may have mouth sores and hair loss. Over … lupus. Your doctor will check for lupus by examining you, asking you questions about your symptoms and past health, and …
Medical tests
… A syphilis test may be done on a sample of blood, sore, skin, or spinal fluid, depending on which type of test is … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. Sore or skin sample A sample of fluid or tissue may be taken from an … needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Sore or skin sample You may feel some discomfort when fluid is …
Health topics
… poisons and other toxins in the insect's venom enter your skin. It's normal to have some swelling, redness, pain, and … These are more likely to cause breathing problems than skin problems. You may be allergic to your pet's dead skin (dander), urine, dried saliva, or hair. Allergies to …
Health topics
… Doctors usually find latent TB by doing a tuberculin skin test. During the skin test, a doctor or nurse will inject TB antigens under your skin. If you have TB bacteria in your body, within 2 days …
Health topics
… or cracked, bleeding nipples Are you having problems breastfeeding ? Yes Breastfeeding problems No Breastfeeding problems Are you … that is not normal for you. Vaginal odour. Red, irritated skin in the vaginal area. Pain when you urinate. Pain or …
Health topics
… the same manner over and over or prefer only to watch TV or videos. How is it diagnosed? Experts recommend that children … might include applying deep touch pressure to a child's skin with the goal of allowing the child to become more used … the same manner over and over or prefer only to watch TV or videos. How is it diagnosed? Experts recommend that children …