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2437 results found
Health topics
… Shortly after being stung, a swimmer may complain of skin discomfort. The rash develops in a few minutes to 12 … problems. Try the following treatments. Do not rub your skin. If larvae are on your skin, rubbing will cause them to sting. Remove your swimsuit …
Health topics
… and childbirth. It is sometimes is passed during pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. … treatment for the baby for 6 weeks after birth. No breastfeeding. For more information, see the topic Human … and childbirth. It is sometimes is passed during pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. …
… any of the following symptoms: unusual tiredness, pale skin, signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't … (such as preventing rejection of stem cell transplant), skin problems may occur since the drug may come through your skin when you sweat. Follow your doctor's instructions on …
Health topics
… nicks, scratches, or jagged surfaces that might damage the skin. The back of an earring can pinch and damage tissue … earlobe. Backs of earrings are not smooth enough to prevent skin and tissue damage. Is the right thickness for the body … Jewellery that is too thin can tear right through the skin. The thickness of the average ear stud is too small for …
Medical tests
… working as it should. Polysomnogram recording equipment and video monitors will record your movements and activities … and make yourself as comfortable as you can. Risks Your skin may be red or itchy from the glue used with the … working as it should. Polysomnogram recording equipment and video monitors will record your movements and activities …
Health topics
… caused by the mpox virus. It enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible) or the respiratory tract. It can … with mpox. Mpox spreads through close, personal, and often skin-to-skin contact, including: Direct contact with sores or …
HealthLinkBC files
… and burning in hands and feet. Arsenic can also cause skin changes, which include skin darkening as well as wart-like or corn-like growths. … hands or bottoms of the feet. Other symptoms can include skin flushing and rashes. As children tend to drink more …
Health topics
… The doctor will first place a tissue expander beneath the skin. Saline (or air) is gradually added to the expander to help stretch the skin. This may take several months. When the right size is … breast tissue. The implant may be placed directly under the skin, but it is usually put under the chest muscle. Often, …
Health topics
… 1 to 72 hours. They include: Hives, a rash, and itchy skin. Coughing, wheezing, a runny nose, chest pain, chest tightness, or trouble breathing. A fever. Serious skin conditions that make your skin blister and peel. These include toxic epidermal …
Health topics
… loose. A good fit can help stop leaks. And it can keep the skin from getting sore. Changing the underwear Always wash … area doesn't get cleaned well. Rashes can occur when the skin stays wet, rubs against the underwear, or comes into contact with urine and stool. The skin may look red, raw, or burned. Some people also may be …