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2435 results found
Health topics
… need a vitamin D supplement. When your baby is no longer breastfeeding or taking formula, your doctor may recommend a … Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. Available online: … Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. Available online: …
Health topics
… Are tiny, flat red or purple spots in the skin or the lining of the mouth. Do not turn white when you … of a more serious infection may include the following: Skin infection: Pain, redness, or pus Joint infection : … Are tiny, flat red or purple spots in the skin or the lining of the mouth. Do not turn white when you …
Health topics
… anus closed and makes a small opening called a stoma in the skin of the lower belly. The surgery to create the stoma (or … pouch called an ostomy bag. The bag is applied to the skin around the stoma. What To Expect You may stay in the … anus closed and makes a small opening called a stoma in the skin of the lower belly. The surgery to create the stoma (or …
Health topics
… water, so use alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with water. If alcohol is not available, … is better to flush the area and not leave the acid on the skin. Metal compounds are covered with mineral oil. The most … water, so use alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with water. If alcohol is not available, …
Health topics
… a comfortable position. Use oil or lotion to massage bare skin. You can use self-massage to unwind after work or … you: Have a fever or a contagious disease. Have bruises or skin abrasions. Have a blood clot in a vein. Have a bleeding … a comfortable position. Use oil or lotion to massage bare skin. You can use self-massage to unwind after work or …
Health topics
… several parts. You wear one part—the sensor—against your skin. It has a tiny needle that stays under your skin. It is constantly reading your blood sugar level. It … several parts. You wear one part—the sensor—against your skin. It has a tiny needle that stays under your skin. It is …
Health topics
… Gloves can also be used when you put medicines on the skin and when you give shots. Gloves do not protect you from poking your skin with sharp objects. So if you are handling sharp … Gloves can also be used when you put medicines on the skin and when you give shots. Gloves do not protect you from …
Health topics
… ). These occur when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, often from a twist, bump, or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin. It causes a black-and-blue colour that often turns … we ask in certain topics. It may not apply to you. But asking it of everyone helps us to get people the help they …
Medical tests
… may mark the biopsy site by making a slight dent in your skin with a pencil or tool. The biopsy may be done on either … be inserted. Your doctor puts the biopsy needle through the skin while looking at your kidney with ultrasound or another … cause soreness. Bleeding into the kidney. Infection of the skin at the biopsy site. Pneumothorax (collapsed lung) . …
HealthLinkBC files
… Size Total Fibre (grams) Vegetables and fruit Apple, with skin 1 medium 3.5 Avocado ½ fruit 6.7 Banana or kiwi 1 … cup 2.8 Pear, canned halves 125 mL or ½ cup 2.1 Pear, with skin 1 medium 5.3 Potato, with skin 1 medium 4.0 Yellow beans, cooked 125 mL or ½ cup 9.7 …