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3178 results found
Health topics
… Information Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) … Information Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) …
Health topics
… pregnant. Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Immunizations and Pregnancy Pregnancy Current … pregnant. Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Immunizations and Pregnancy Pregnancy Current …
Health topics
… most common skin infections in children. It can occur in adults but is seen far more often in children. Impetigo is … most common skin infections in children. It can occur in adults but is seen far more often in children. Impetigo is …
Health topics
… fl oz) glasses of water or other fluid every day. But some adults may need more or less. It depends on how healthy you … fl oz) glasses of water or other fluid every day. But some adults may need more or less. It depends on how healthy you …
Health topics
… precautions. Babies and toddlers require constant supervision. Older children need clear boundaries and firm rules … This includes neglect and exposure to violence between adults in the home. Children have a legal right to grow up …
… in the amount of urine) fainting fast or pounding heartbeat vision or hearing changes increased thirst Get medical help … in the amount of urine) fainting fast or pounding heartbeat vision or hearing changes increased thirst Get medical help …
… easy bruising/bleeding dark urine yellowing eyes/skin pain/redness/swelling/numbness/tingling of the … pain severe headache seizures trouble speaking confusion vision changes weakness on one side of the body A very … pain severe headache seizures trouble speaking confusion vision changes weakness on one side of the body A very …
… of urine, painful urination) numbness/tingling of arms/legs vision changes hearing changes (such as ringing in the ears) dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin swelling ankles/feet fast/slow/irregular heartbeat … of urine, painful urination) numbness/tingling of arms/legs vision changes hearing changes (such as ringing in the ears) …
Health topics
… And the symptoms are not caused by other things like vision problems or other conditions. If your child has one … And the symptoms are not caused by other things like vision problems or other conditions. If your child has one …