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4786 results found
Health features
… Shelter map BC 2-1-1 :  Shelter and street help line Warming centres Warming centres and emergency shelters can provide … temperature exposure during extreme cold weather. Emergency warming centres and general warming spaces locations may be …
Health topics
… to help prevent outbreaks. Home treatment, such as taking warm sitz baths , can help relieve discomfort from sores. … may trigger a new outbreak. Genital herpes can cause other problems—some serious—if the virus travels to other parts of … of outbreaks. Home treatment. Examples include taking warm sitz baths and wearing cotton underwear. These may help …
Health topics
… Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to take in images from the stronger eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This means that … ask about symptoms, any family members who have had vision problems, other possible risk factors such as low birth …
Health topics
… usually all that's needed for healing and to prevent other problems, such as infection. There are many types of burns. … body, such as muscles, blood vessels, nerves, lungs, and eyes. Burns are defined as first-, second-, third-, or … of infection may include: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness in or around the area. Red streaks …
Health topics
… is not well-developed. They are not able to shiver (which warms a person up). They don't have much fat under their skin (which keeps them warm). Older adults Older adults are more likely to have a … body heat as easily. They do not shiver as much. Shivering warms the body. Their mental awareness of changes in …
Health topics
… others know when a young child is hungry, wet, tired, too warm, too cold, lonely, or in pain. If your child is crying, … child is likely to cry when they have an injury, such as an eyelash in the eye, an insect bite, or an open diaper pin in … Does your child have a respiratory problem? Respiratory problems can affect the nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat …
Health topics
… attack the body. This overreaction can cause a rash, itchy eyes, a runny nose, trouble breathing, nausea, and diarrhea. … reaction ( anaphylaxis ) occurs, when allergies cause other problems (such as nosebleeds, ear problems, wheezing, or … of infection may include: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness in or around the area. Red streaks …
Health topics
… (say "struh-BIZ-mus") is a vision problem in which both eyes do not look at the same point at the same time. … begins in early childhood. It is sometimes called crossed-eyes, walleye, or squint. Normally, the muscles attached to … Without treatment, strabismus can cause permanent vision problems. For example, if the child is not using one eye
Medical tests
… magnified, three-dimensional (3-D) view of the parts of the eye . During the examination, your doctor can look at the front parts of the eye. These parts include the clear, outer covering (cornea), … Is Done Routine slit lamp examinations are done to find eye problems at an early stage and to guide treatment if eye