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Health topics
… how to help prevent thrush in infants. Treat vaginal yeast infections, especially during the last 3 months of … in most drug or grocery stores. Scrub your dentures with water both before and after soaking them. If you used … Practice good handwashing. Rinse your mouth with water soon after you take a liquid antibiotic. Antibiotics …
Health topics
… deeper into the skin. Gently wash the area with soap and water twice a day. Dry it well. Put warm, wet cloths on the … and drain, but it may take 5 to 7 days. A warm compress or waterproof heating pad placed over a damp towel may also … let it drain. Keep cleaning it twice a day with soap and water. To help keep the infection from spreading, do not …
HealthLinkBC files
… sticky, especially when you sleep. A cloth dipped in warm water and applied gently to the affected area will help … good rules to follow: Wash your hands with soap and warm water several times daily. For more information on hand … from the family's other laundry. Use detergent, the hottest water setting, and dry in a hot dryer A person with pinkeye …
Health topics
… of contractions as waves rolling over you. Labouring in water. Soaking in warm water may help ease stress in early labour. Acupuncture. … of contractions as waves rolling over you. Labouring in water. Soaking in warm water may help ease stress in early …
HealthLinkBC files
… related to substance use and drug policy, including blood borne infections, drug poisoning (overdose), criminalization, and …
HealthLinkBC files
… cause allergic reactions. Bacteria and viruses can cause infections. Mould can also cause infections, but it rarely … between inside and outside temperatures can cause water to condense on windows causing mould to grow on frames or sills. Water coming into the house from outside, from the roof or …
Health topics
… is it spread? People usually get hepatitis E by drinking water or eating food that's been contaminated by feces … to do it too fast, you may get sick again. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Fruit juices and broth are other … your chances of getting the disease if you: Avoid drinking water and ice that you don't know is clean, and avoid eating …
Health topics
… lymphoma. Less common causes Less common causes include: Infections. Some medicines, such as lithium. Disorders of … in areas where iodine is not added to salt, food, and water. Medicines. Some medicines can interfere with normal … in areas where iodine is not added to salt, food, and water. Medicines. Some medicines can interfere with normal …
Medical tests
… . A hydrocele is a buildup of fluid. It feels like water in a thin plastic bag. The other testicle will be felt … . A hydrocele is a buildup of fluid. It feels like water in a thin plastic bag. The other testicle will be felt …