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3415 results found
Health topics
… If your back pain causes you to use your body in different ways (for example, to limp or to sit differently), pain can … a gradual return-to-work plan. Find out if there are other ways you could do your job to avoid hurting your back again. … of control of your bowel or bladder. Back surgery doesn't always work. Depending on the condition, you may still have …
Health topics
… itching. Your doctor also will want to watch you and your baby closely. To keep you both as healthy as possible, your … itching. Your doctor also will want to watch you and your baby closely. To keep you both as healthy as possible, your …
Health topics
… is called hyperthermia. It can harm your developing baby (fetus). It's most harmful during the early weeks when … The tub or sauna should not be so hot that you are uncomfortable. Lower the temperature to below 38.9°C. And … The tub or sauna should not be so hot that you are uncomfortable. Lower the temperature to below 38.9°C. And …
Health topics
… As early as weeks 10 to 12, you may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat using a Doppler ultrasound . By the 20th … As early as weeks 10 to 12, you may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat using a Doppler ultrasound . By the 20th …
Health topics
… Started Getting Started Here are some ways you can practice MSBR. When you go outside, take a few … we develop our content . … Getting Started Here are some ways you can practice MSBR. When you go outside, take a few …
Health topics
… like with people you like to spend time with. Here are some ways to connect with others: Make a list of who could help … like with people you like to spend time with. Here are some ways to connect with others: Make a list of who could help …
Health topics
… stress can improve your health and life. Try different ways to reduce stress, such as exercise, deep breathing, … stress can improve your health and life. Try different ways to reduce stress, such as exercise, deep breathing, …