3233 results found
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… When you've had a facial injury, it's important to look for signs of other injuries, such as a spinal injury , an eye … child are different than the symptoms in a young child or baby . Severe Severe difficulty breathing Moderate Moderate … if 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in an adult or child are different than signs …
Health topics
… That way you can find information you want when you're ready for it, instead of letting it find you . Sign up for … you know you can follow accounts that only post videos of baby animals being adorable? If that's not your thing, no … you know you can follow accounts that only post videos of baby animals being adorable? If that's not your thing, no …
Health topics
… for pain management. footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. Delivering in water A water birth is the delivery of a baby while in a tub or pool of warm water. More research is …
Health topics
… right away if: You have pain, a swollen belly, or other signs of a rare but major problem called strangulation or … get regular checkups to watch for changes. You watch for signs of problems related to the hernia, such as vomiting, … what you need to do before you make this decision. I'm ready to take action. I want to discuss the options with …
Health topics
… not drink alcohol if you have problems noticing the early signs of low blood sugar. People who lose weight or develop … adult or older child are different than the symptoms in a baby or toddler . Severe Severe dehydration Moderate … not drink alcohol if you have problems noticing the early signs of low blood sugar. Treat high blood sugar If you have …
Health topics
… steps to help you and your child learn this task. Get ready To get ready to give an insulin injection using an insulin vial and … a doctor watches. Let your child do this if he or she is ready to try. Teach other family members how to give insulin …
Health topics
… Talk to your doctor before you give fever medicine to a baby who is 6 months of age or younger. This is to make sure the baby's fever is not a sign of a serious illness. Talk to your doctor before you use ibuprofen if your baby is under 6 months of age. Ask your doctor how much …
Health topics
… during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. But not treating depression can … doctor about these possible side effects and the warning signs of suicide . What are other treatments for depression? … what you need to do before you make this decision. I'm ready to take action. I want to discuss the options with …
… until the wound is completely healed or until the site is ready for skin grafting. Use this medication regularly to … right away if you have any serious side effects, including: signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go … delivery date because of possible harm to the unborn baby. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. It is …
HealthLinkBC files
… illness much faster than an older child or adult. What signs should I look for? Your infant or young child may not … Skin feels very warm Body temperature above 38°C (100°F) Signs of dehydration in infants and young children include: … mind that infants and young children may not show the early signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. They may just …