3233 results found
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Crying is your baby's first way of communicating with you. This is how he … a recent shot, constipation, or a diaper rash can cause a baby to cry. Once your baby's need is met, the crying usually stops. However, some …
Health topics
… are some commonly asked questions and their answers: My baby spits up. Should I be worried? Spitting up small … not the same as vomiting. Spitting up usually stops as your baby grows. If your baby frequently spits up large amounts of milk or projectile …
Health topics
… If used during pregnancy, alcohol can harm a developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can also cause mood swings and affect … you can stop using drugs at any time. What are some of the signs of a drug use problem? The signs of a drug use problem depend on the drug you use and …
HealthLinkBC files
… to make sure they understand the information and are ready to make a decision. If the health care provider is not sure that a child understands, or a child is not ready to make a decision, the child will not be immunized. …
Health topics
… to confuse pre labour with true labour. Here's a list of signs to help you tell the difference. Pre-labour True … sac. Preparing for labour and birth is like getting ready for a marathon. If you have practiced comfort …
Medical tests
… and delivery. It keeps track of the heart rate of your baby ( fetus ). It also shows how long each contraction of your uterus lasts. Your baby's heart rate is a good way to tell if your baby is … least 2 centimetres (cm). And your amniotic sac must have already ruptured. After it is started, it is continued until …
Health topics
… Health Topics Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger Abuse: Signs of Abuse-Related Injuries Abusive Head Trauma … Toilet Training Toilet Training: Knowing When Your Child Is Ready Tongue-Tie Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy for … Signs of Suicide in Children and Teens Ways to Comfort a Baby in the Hospital Your Child and the Dentist Open/close …
Medical tests
… sample. Collecting a urine sample from a small child or baby may be done by using a special plastic bag with tape … removed. To collect a urine sample from a very sick baby, a doctor may insert a needle through the baby's belly … having this test. Results Urine culture results are usually ready in 1 to 3 days. But some germs take longer to grow in …
Health topics
… third trimester (the last three months of pregnancy) your baby continues to develop, gains weight and begins to … birthing process. Here's a detailed overview of how your baby’s growing. During the third trimester (the last three months of pregnancy) your baby continues to develop, gains weight and begins to …
Health topics
… you have options. If you don't have heavy blood loss or signs of infection, you can let it follow its course. If you … to get pregnant again, it is usually safe whenever you feel ready. Talk with your doctor about any future pregnancy … don't have heavy blood loss, a fever, weakness, or other signs of infection, you can let a miscarriage follow its own …