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Health topics
… of: Changes in work environment. Minor injury. Sudden weight gain. Excessive standing, walking, jumping, or … a day. Foot-strengthening exercises done with a towel and weights. See a picture of a towel curl exercise. Place a … increase strength, later use 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2 kg (5 lb) weights (such as a large can of fruit or vegetables) on the …
Health topics
… must be buckled up in a car seat that is made for their weight, height, and age. For maximum safety, follow the … rear-facing infant seat until he or she reaches the maximum weight or height allowed by the car seat's manufacturer. … a forward-facing seat when your child outgrows the maximum weight or height allowed by the manufacturer of the …
Health topics
… get started. "What if I get so hungry I eat more and gain weight?" "What if I start to look like a bodybuilder?" "What … already have, such as using milk jugs filled with water as weights for arm exercises. Do resistance exercises like … be much harder to reach a goal to lose a certain amount of weight or to look like the people in health club ads. …
Health topics
… babies in the first weeks of life: Has your baby lost some weight? It's normal in the first few days, until your milk … around day three or four. Most babies return to their birth weight by about two weeks. Does your baby wake up wanting to … other than hunger. Has your baby been growing and gaining weight well until now? If yes, it is very unlikely that your …
Health topics
… you had any new vision changes? These could include vision loss, double vision, or new trouble seeing clearly. Yes New … vision changes No New vision changes Did you have a sudden loss of vision? A loss of vision means that you cannot see out of the eye or …
Health topics
Health topics
… alert as you normally do. Yes Has returned to normal after loss of consciousness No Has returned to normal after loss of consciousness Did the loss of consciousness occur during the past 24 hours? Yes …
Health topics
… mental health. Some of these problems include mild memory loss, headaches, problems with vision, muscle weakness, and loss of feeling in the feet and hands. Many people who have … mental health. Some of these problems include mild memory loss, headaches, problems with vision, muscle weakness, and …