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3652 results found
Health topics
… Adolescence is a time of rapid growth in height and weight and of physical changes throughout the body. Most of … forehead becomes more prominent, and the jaw grows forward. Weight gain. A child's weight almost doubles during adolescence. An increase in the …
Health topics
… often works very well to prevent, delay, or reduce vision loss. The earlier retinopathy is found, the easier it is to … This usually works very well to prevent vision loss if it's done before the retina has been severely … have diabetes and what you can do to help prevent vision loss. Keeping your blood sugar levels and blood pressure …
Health topics
… pick a hearing aid based on the type and how much hearing loss you have and other factors. The audiologist can help … to wear hearing aids in both ears, even if the hearing loss in the ears is not equal. You may be able to see the … aids fit and work for your type and degree of hearing loss. Prescription hearing aids work for people with mild to …
… pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, and decrease your risk of ovarian … swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods … Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having major surgery, or if you will be confined to a chair or bed for a …
… pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian … swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods … or diet. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a …
… pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian … swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods … or diet. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a …
… pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian … swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods … diet. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a …
… The dosage and length of treatment is based on your age, weight, medical condition, and response to treatment. If … blurred vision, trouble sleeping, cough, low appetite, weight loss or gain, dry skin, or changes in taste/hearing may …
Health topics
… your hands. Press down in a steady rhythm, using your body weight. The force from each thrust should go straight down … your hand. Press down in a steady rhythm, using your body weight. The force from each thrust should go straight down … Rescue Procedure: Heimlich Manoeuvre Confusion, Memory Loss, and Altered Alertness Cuts Head Injury, Age 3 and …
Health topics
… Eating healthy foods, not smoking, and staying at a healthy weight are other ways you can be heart-healthy and help … can: Raise "good" (HDL) cholesterol levels. Help you lose weight or stay at a healthy weight. Lower blood pressure. Control blood sugar. Regular …