3652 results found
Medical tests
… of the spinal cord, weakness, numbness, paralysis, or loss of control of your bowel or bladder may develop. Also … dye may cause blockage of the spinal canal. If this occurs, surgery is usually needed. There is a risk of damage to … of the spinal cord, weakness, numbness, paralysis, or loss of control of your bowel or bladder may develop. Also …
Health topics
… of his or her medical history or isn't aware of the memory loss. A family member can be very helpful in providing … person is taking. Some medicines can contribute to memory loss or mental impairment. This side effect of certain drugs … of his or her medical history or isn't aware of the memory loss. A family member can be very helpful in providing …
Health topics
… if my baby loses a baby tooth because of an injury? Early loss of a primary tooth may delay or speed up the eruption of a permanent tooth. If the primary tooth loss occurs long before the expected eruption of the … if my baby loses a baby tooth because of an injury? Early loss of a primary tooth may delay or speed up the eruption …
Health topics
… and cholesterol. Limit salt (sodium). Stay at a healthy weight by balancing the calories you eat with your physical … Eat only as many calories as you need to stay at a healthy weight. Learn how much is a serving, and then check your … sizes. Limit drinks with added sugar. If you want to lose weight, increase your activity level to burn more calories …
Healthy eating
… tips on three important parts of a healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, and physical activity. Eating a healthy diet, being at a healthy weight, and keeping physically active can prevent up to 1/3 … your hunger while making it easier to stay at a healthy weight. Make plant foods the focus of your meals and snacks. …
Health topics
… Dementia Last updated June 29, 2021 Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life. It can …
… problems swelling of the ankles/hands/feet unexpected weight gain Rarely, males may have a painful or prolonged … doctor if you are using marijuana (cannabis). Before having surgery (including cataract/glaucoma eye surgery), tell your … problems swelling of the ankles/hands/feet unexpected weight gain Rarely, males may have a painful or prolonged …
… Metoclopramide is used to prevent nausea and vomiting from surgery or chemotherapy. It is also used by people with … on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, weight and other medications you may be taking. Be sure to … on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, weight and other medications you may be taking. Be sure to …
… insipidus) or certain kinds of head injury or brain surgery, the body does not make enough vasopressin. … is severe or doesn't go away, confusion, drowsiness, sudden weight gain. Notes Do not share this medication with others. … is severe or doesn't go away, confusion, drowsiness, sudden weight gain. Notes Do not share this medication with others. …
… that doesn't stop trouble breathing sudden unexplained weight gain chest pain weakness on one side of the body … If you develop an eye infection or injury, or have eye surgery, check with your doctor about whether you should … that doesn't stop trouble breathing sudden unexplained weight gain chest pain weakness on one side of the body …