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3466 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… I make and store ready-to-feed formula? Shake the container well Pour the amount you think your baby will drink into a … the top of the can with hot water and soap Shake the can well and open with a disinfected can opener if needed … first foods (#69c) Helping your 1 to 3 Year old child eat well (#69d) Meal and snack ideas for your 1 to 3 year old …
Health topics
… with an abrasive pad, such as steel wool. Keep your house well lit, especially stairways, porches, and outside … sends a signal for help. Wear low-heeled shoes that fit well and give your feet good support. Use footwear with … for better balance. Keep porches and outside walkways well lit. Watch your step. If you wear bifocal or …
Health topics
… you to very small amounts of radiation. While the risk from being exposed to radiation from a mammogram is low, it can … evidence. Evidence comes from studies that look at how well treatments and tests work and how safe they are. For … evidence. Evidence comes from studies that look at how well treatments and tests work and how safe they are. For …
Health topics
… may mean that your asthma symptoms and inflammation are not well controlled. General cautions for all medicines Allergic … one medicine may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side effect you didn't expect. … may mean that your asthma symptoms and inflammation are not well controlled. General cautions for all medicines Allergic …
Health topics
… when employees who have hepatitis A don't wash their hands well after using the toilet and then prepare food. It can … Workers can spread the virus if they don't wash their hands well after changing a diaper. What are the symptoms? … when employees who have hepatitis A don't wash their hands well after using the toilet and then prepare food. It can …
Health topics
… long-term illness or serious liver damage. Most people get well within a few months. How is it spread? People usually … long-term illness or serious liver damage. Most people get well within a few months. How is hepatitis E treated? … long-term illness or serious liver damage. Most people get well within a few months. How is it spread? People usually …
Health topics
… diabetes or alcohol use disorder can increase your risk as well. What are the symptoms? Dupuytren's disease has three … treatment for Dupuytren's is to keep your hand working as well as it can. You may not need treatment unless you have a … diabetes or alcohol use disorder can increase your risk as well. What are the symptoms? Dupuytren's disease has three …
Health topics
… presence of another adult. Ask the adult to tell you how well they think the activity worked for your child. If one activity doesn't work well, try another one. Current as of: March 27, 2023 … presence of another adult. Ask the adult to tell you how well they think the activity worked for your child. If one …
Health topics
… to the Dietitians of Canada web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at …… to see the high and low percentiles for normal weight … to the Dietitians of Canada web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at … to see the high and low percentiles for normal …
Health topics
… paths. Keep stairways, porches, and outside walkways well lit. Use night-lights in hallways and bathrooms. Be … a blood thinner can cause bleeding. It also can change how well your medicines work. Tell all of your doctors, … to start taking your medicine again. Wear medical alert jewellery . These are bracelets, pendants, or charms that let …