6348 results found
Health topics
… Here are some things you can do. Having a health care team When you have many doctors, think of them as your team. Tell your doctors that you expect them to talk with the other doctors about your care. Write down your doctors' names and what they do in your care. Give each doctor a copy of this …
Health topics
… Preventing Slips or Relapses Actionset Overview A slip is when a smoker who has quit smokes one or two cigarettes. A … to quit smoking. The temptation can be very strong. Here you will find strategies to help you avoid slips as well as … so you don't relapse. If you do relapse, think about what you can learn from it and what you should do the next …
Health topics
… Your first trimester Last updated December 5, 2024 Overview … development at 8 weeks of pregnancy Week 8 of pregnancy: What's going on inside Week 12 of pregnancy: What's going on … while you are pregnant. Early in your pregnancy, you can expect to visit your doctor or midwife every four to six …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese What is shigellosis? Shigellosis is an infection caused by … an urge to pass stool. Symptoms may be mild to severe, or you may have no symptoms at all. Symptoms will typically … people. The bacteria can spread from person to person when tiny bits of infected stool get into another person’s …
Health topics
… with these symptoms. Here are some things you can do. Don't expect too much too fast. Remember that the symptoms may go … to make changes quickly. Be understanding. Remember that what you may see as "being lazy" or having an "attitude … loved one feel worse. Remember that your loved one will act when he or she can. Schizophrenia …
Health topics
… be worse than fear of the known, so letting your child know what to expect will go a long way toward lowering fear and stress. … to explain what will happen. Some children react better when going to the hospital is explained right before it …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview What is a female condom? Condoms can protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and they … be used with a male condom. Use a new condom each time you have intercourse. Spread the lubricant by rubbing the sides …
Health topics
… Overview What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that causes … soil, water, some building materials, and natural gas. You can't see, taste, or smell it. How does radon exposure … occur? Any home, school, office, or other building can have high levels of radon. Radon is found in new and old …
Health topics
… Overview Setting an easy daily or weekly goal can motivate you to walk for your health. Experts recommend at least 2½ … store, doctor appointments, work, school, or shopping when you can. You could walk a lap around the grocery store … an example they'll follow as they grow older. Being safe when you walk The weather, the time of day, and where you …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese What is chlamydia? Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted … The infection may occur in the rectum (the part of your intestine that ends at the anus), throat and urethra … mucous-like fluid from the penis Pain or a burning feeling when urinating Itching or irritation in the urethra – the …