6348 results found
Health topics
… in your health care. Think about these important things when you are choosing a health professional: Is the health … problem is affecting your life. After the visit Write down: What your health professional thinks the problem might be. What you might expect to happen next. What you can do to manage your …
Health topics
… updated June 1, 2021 Being more physically active can help you feel better, deal with stress more easily, and handle … or light-headed, or become extremely out of breath. If you have any of these symptoms of a heart attack, call 9-1-1 or … feel pain or extreme discomfort It's common to feel tired when you're more active, and this is when injuries can …
Health topics
… Headaches: Managing a Headache Actionset Overview You can reduce how many headaches you get and how bad they are when you do get them. Try to: Find and avoid triggers that … try several things to stop a headache after it starts: Stop what you are doing, and begin treatment. Don't wait for the …
Health topics
… attention and hamming it up for family and friends. Learn what else you can expect in terms of social and emotional development. On … coat or your shoes on first?" Have happy goodbye routines when you and family members leave each other Allow your …
Health topics
… changes occur as death nears. Here are some things you can expect. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your … more you know, the better prepared you'll be to cope with what is happening. Emotional and spiritual changes As death … may be moist and noisy. Breathing changes commonly occur when you are weak, and normal secretions in your airways and …
Health topics
… about someone's pain level is to ask and get an answer. But when someone has severe dementia, communicating can be … tone of voice and gestures. These can be your clues to what a person is feeling. Sometimes the emotion is more … dementia often express pain in ways that you wouldn't expect. To learn about a person's pain, get to know his or …
Health topics
… page: What is occupational asthma? Occupational asthma is the most … common form of work-related lung disease in many countries. When a person gets asthma as an adult, exposure at work is a … chemicals. Breathing in these substances can irritate your lungs or cause them to swell and get inflamed. If you …
Health topics
… us be more of the person we most want to be. Exploring what's holding you back A good place to start is to ask a simple question: … of these things seems like something you could try now? When do you think you could start? …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is Peyronie's disease? Peyronie's disease is an … along the shaft of the penis that is most noticeable when the penis is soft (flaccid). A bent or curved … diagnosed using a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about when you first …
Medical tests
… for prostate cancer. If your PSA level is higher than expected, your doctor may suggest other tests, including a … can cause high PSA levels. Check if cancer may be present when results from other tests, such as a digital rectal … the need for the test, its risks, how it will be done, or what the results will mean. How It Is Done A health …