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Health topics
… page: What is a pneumothorax? A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) is a … against the lung causes the lung to collapse. This prevents your lung from expanding the right way when you try to breathe in. You will likely have shortness …
Health topics
… other disorders, like oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). When a child has DMDD, they may also have other disorders, … about 3 or more times each week. Are more intense than expected for the cause. Don't match the child's age or … counselling and medicine. Talk with your doctor about what treatment plan would be most helpful for your child. A …
Health topics
… university. In November 2006, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a … too hungry and resorting to fast food. Each week he plans what he will eat for each meal, and he shops for groceries … going to stop liking those." He also says he has learned to expect that there will be setbacks as he changes his eating …
Health topics
… page: What is renal artery stenosis? Renal artery stenosis is the … both of the renal arteries. These vessels supply blood to your kidneys. They also help the body control blood … flow to the kidneys. This treatment is not commonly done. When you have renal artery stenosis, you may have the same …
Health topics
… page: What is adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is a disease that occurs when the cells that normally line the uterus grow into the … and hormone therapy. A hysterectomy may be needed if you have severe symptoms but are not approaching menopause. …
Health topics
… page: What is atherosclerosis? Atherosclerosis is sometimes called "hardening of the arteries." It occurs when fat (cholesterol) and calcium build up inside the … (carotid or cerebral arteries), a stroke can occur. If you have this buildup in one of your arteries, there's a …
Health topics
… Overview What are allergies to insect stings? When you are stung by an insect, poisons and other toxins enter …
Health topics
… which is determined by symptoms and lung function tests. You should be assigned to the most severe category in which … ( spirometry and peak expiratory flow [PEF]) are normal when the person is not having an asthma attack. The results of these tests are 80% or more of the expected value and vary little (PEF varies less than 20%) …
Health topics
… page: What is esophagitis? Esophagitis is irritation or … . The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and … disease , or GERD, is the most common cause of esophagitis. When you have GERD, stomach acid and juices flow backward …
Health topics
… Best On this page: Overview Overview What are peak flow and personal best? Peak expiratory flow, or peak flow, is how much air you breathe out when you try your hardest. You measure peak flow with a peak …