6348 results found
Health topics
… sloped. This helps you position your baby for a bath. Know what to expect. Most umbilical cord stumps look worse than they … tender skin around the base of the cord. Your baby crying when you touch the cord or the skin around it. Fever . Also …
Healthy eating
… Introduction Gout is a type of arthritis. It occurs when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, leading to inflammation, pain … body may naturally make a higher amount of uric acid or have more difficulty getting rid of it. Certain medications …
Health topics
… Animals On this page: Overview Overview When you spend time around an animal—whether it's a pet, a farm … a common source of worms. Talk to your veterinarian about what to use and how often. House train or litter-box train …
Health topics
… page: What is post-thrombotic syndrome? Post-thrombotic syndrome … vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … and devices may help with pain and swelling. If you have sores, you may need medicines and bandages to help the …
Health topics
… Fall On this page: Overview Overview If you have injuries, health problems, or other reasons that may … can help you avoid making an injury worse. Also, knowing what to do if you cannot get up can help you stay safe until …
Health topics
… about alcohol and other drugs can help children understand your family’s values. It can also help you bond with your … activities. Alcohol or other drugs may come up naturally when sharing something you heard on the news, or when swapping stories about what happened at school or work. Also look for openings when …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … However, the chances of such serious side effects occurring when this medication is used for migraines or skin …
Health topics
… About SARS Overview What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a … contact with infected saliva or droplets from coughing. You cannot get SARS from brief, casual exposure to an … stay necessary. The incubation period—the time from when a person is first exposed to SARS until symptoms …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is a lipoma? A lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a … to 1 in.)] and felt just under the skin. Are movable and have a soft, rubbery consistency. Do not cause pain. Remain … be diagnosed by its appearance alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound …
Health topics
… continuous and total loss of urinary control. It means that you are always leaking urine. It happens when the muscle that controls the release of urine (sphincter) no longer works. What causes total incontinence? One cause of total …