6348 results found
Medical tests
… an echogram, or a scan. They may be saved as part of your baby's record. Fetal ultrasound can be done two ways. … feeling of pressure in your bladder. The gel may feel cool when it is first put on your belly. You will feel a light … 1 or 2 days. Fetal ultrasound Normal: The fetus is the size expected for its age. The heart rate and breathing are …
Health topics
… true. Here are some myths about PTSD. Myth: PTSD is in your head. It does not exist. PTSD does exist. It is a … has been studied for many years. You may get PTSD if you have lived through a traumatic event that caused you to fear … lives are in danger. You feel that you have no control over what is happening. These events include violent crimes, …
Health topics
… can be caused by: Some medicines that damage the lining of your intestines. Radiation therapy aimed at your belly or … that affect your bowels. Severe constipation. Sometimes when you get really constipated, watery stool is the only … symptoms. You are losing weight. You do not get better as expected. Diarrhea, Age 12 and Older …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … meals. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out what you should do if you miss a meal. Symptoms of high … blood sugar. It may be harder to control your blood sugar when your body is stressed (such as due to fever, infection, …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … meals. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out what you should do if you miss a meal. Symptoms of high … blood sugar. It may be harder to control your blood sugar when your body is stressed (such as due to fever, infection, …
Health topics
… page: What is malabsorption syndrome? Malabsorption syndrome is … minerals from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. What causes it? Causes of malabsorption syndrome may … diarrhea and foul-smelling stools. Weakness. Weight loss. Your doctor can evaluate your symptoms to determine the …
Health topics
… fraction (HFrEF) is a type of heart failure. It happens when the heart's lower left chamber (left ventricle) doesn't … sometimes called systolic heart failure. This is because your left ventricle doesn't squeeze forcefully enough during … heart failure with improved ejection fraction. footnote 2 What causes it? There are many different problems that can …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … more easily and may increase the amount of urine you make when you first start the product. Spironolactone also helps … pressure or worsen your heart failure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … This effect may increase the amount of urine you make when you first start the product. Amiloride also helps to … pressure or worsen your heart failure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … meals. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out what you should do if you miss a meal. Symptoms of high … blood sugar. It may be harder to control your blood sugar when your body is stressed (such as due to fever, infection, …