6345 results found
Health topics
… professionals across the province. Are there situations when the 2007 food guide may still be appropriate to … foods that can be consumed regularly. Calcium and your health lists a variety of other foods that also … and related resources translated into different languages? What about cultural adaptations? In addition to English and …
Health topics
… Problems: Living With Poor Eyesight Actionset Overview You don't see as well as you used to. Eye problems such as … you need to make depend on how much vision you have lost, what kinds of activities you like to do, and your current … dishes, and even the soap. Label and mark Use high contrast when you make labels, signs, and other markings. For …
Health topics
… to Quit On this page: Overview Overview Your attempt to quit is more likely to succeed if you pick a … birthday, New Year's Day, or the first day of a holiday. When you are ill or having a troublesome tobacco-related … time to quit. In that case, pick a time to quit. Then do what you can to make your life less stressful or busy than …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have a family member or friend who is using drugs or … that may help. Choose a good time to talk. Find a time when the person is not using substances, when you are both … made you feel. Spell out the consequences. Tell the person what will happen if they refuse to get help, and be prepared …
Health topics
… or using other substances. This is not a complete list. If you suspect use of a particular substance, get more … Changes in physical appearance that aren't caused by expected patterns of growth and development Possession of … Changes in physical appearance that aren't caused by expected patterns of growth and development Possession of …
Health topics
… even prevented. The best treatment plan is one set up by you and your health care team, based on your particular … be able to find one that works for you. Prevent nausea. When you or your doctor foresee that a treatment will make … you'll receive is likely to make you sick. Ask your doctor what medicines are available to prevent nausea and vomiting. …
Medical tests
… bone cyst, and bone cancer, such as multiple myeloma . See what is causing a bone infection ( osteomyelitis ) or if an … bone problems seen on an X-ray. An open bone biopsy allows your doctor to do surgical treatment at the same time, if … eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking, or your surgery may be …
Health topics
… for a few weeks between each attempt at quitting. Despite what felt like repeated failure, she didn't give up. "It was … myself focus on the future of my life. I want to be skiing when I'm 70. I don't want an oxygen tank." Nancy's story … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Planning Form On this page: Overview Overview No matter what your exercise goal is, making a specific plan can help you … these steps to create your plan. Then bring this sheet when you visit your doctor so you can refine your plan …
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. So if you have high blood pressure or other heart or blood vessel …