5540 results found
Health topics
… to Breathe Easier Actionset Overview Breathing is hard when you have lung problems like chronic obstructive … breathing (belly breathing). Use these methods when you are more short of breath than normal. Practice them often so you can use them correctly when you need to. How do you use these breathing methods? …
Health topics
… infection can spread easily in the home. This may happen when items around the house become soiled or when you come into contact with body fluids, such as blood … cleaner to get rid of germs that can cause infection. Bathroom and kitchen tips Use different cleaning cloths to clean …
Health topics
… Overview Overview If your joints hurt when you do an activity, you can do a number of things to … Use the largest joints or strongest muscles to do things. When you lift a heavy object off the floor, use your hip and knee muscles, not your back. When you carry a bag of groceries, use the palm of your hand …
Health topics
… Have you ever had an aching back or pain in your neck when you were anxious or stressed? When you have anxiety or stress in your life, one of the … out. You work on your muscle groups in a certain order. When your body is physically relaxed, you cannot feel …
Health topics
… at-rest temperature. Women can track their BBT to find out when they are ovulating . With this time line, a woman can learn when she is most and least likely to become pregnant. When are you most likely to become pregnant? About 2 weeks …
Health topics
… If your child gets upset, act confident and stay calm even when you don't feel that way. Remember that separation … told it will occur. Let your child get used to you leaving. When your child's separation anxiety behaviour becomes noticeable, plan ahead for times when you will be away. At first, make a few very short …
Health topics
… Be well rested before having sex. Choose the time of day when you have more energy and when breathing is easiest. You might want to avoid times when you've just eaten or had alcohol or when it's hot or …
Health topics
… arteries . These arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. When you have ischemia, you may feel angina symptoms. For … This is called silent ischemia. Ischemia can happen when your heart needs more oxygen because it is working harder than usual. For example, it might happen when you exercise or when you feel stressed. Ischemia may go …
Health topics
… Overview Pain medicine works better when the pain first starts, before it gets too bad. A … analgesia (PCA) pump lets you give yourself pain medicine when you need it. This gives you more control of your pain … through a tube to a vein in your body. You press a button when you feel pain and the pump gives you a dose of medicine …
Health topics
… your meal, and for 30 minutes after you eat. There won't be room in your stomach for both drinks and solid food. Use … your meal, and for 30 minutes after you eat. There won't be room in your stomach for both drinks and solid food. Use … your meal, and for 30 minutes after you eat. There won't be room in your stomach for both drinks and solid food. Use …