5540 results found
Health topics
… What is a bowel obstruction? A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or … their own. The NG tube may help the bowel become unblocked when fluids and gas are removed. Some people may need more … help with bowel movements. Surgery is almost always needed when the intestine is completely blocked or when the blood …
Health topics
… mood: Does smoking a cigarette automatically come to mind when you are frustrated, angry, or sad? Does smoking a cigarette calm you when you are upset? Do you smoke more cigarettes when you're under stress? If you tried to quit smoking in …
Health topics
… Make frequent eye contact. For example, make eye contact when you feed your baby. Young babies love to look at your … promptly to crying. Your baby will learn to trust that when he or she is in need, you will consistently come to … comfort. Gently rock your baby. Use a soft, soothing voice when you rock your baby. Growth and …
Health topics
… a lot of pollution relative to their weight. Use care when you take your young child outdoors, especially for physical activities. When children exercise, they breathe more heavily than … in the summer and on days where smog may develop. On days when air is stagnant and temperatures reach over 32°C (90°F) …
Health topics
… Overview Wheezing is a whistling noise that occurs when the bronchial tubes , which carry air to the lungs, … tubes become smaller. At first, the person may wheeze when breathing out. As the attack becomes worse, the person may also wheeze when breathing in. During a severe asthma episode, wheezing …
Health topics
… don't take antibiotics. Taking antibiotics too often or when you don't need them can be harmful. The medicine may not work the next time you take it when you really do need it. This is called antibiotic … And if you take antibiotics too often, they may not work when you really do need them. Common but mild side effects …
Health topics
… it's important to make a plan in case the time comes when you aren't able to make decisions for yourself. If you … Decision-Maker (SDM) Complications of Grief Coping When Your Child Is Near the End of Life Dementia: Legal … Helping Teens With Grief Grief: Losing a Loved One Grief: When Major Loss Challenges Your Beliefs Hospice Palliative …
Health topics
… angina can manage their symptoms. This includes knowing when to rest and taking medicine such as nitroglycerin. You … daily activities to help prevent or relieve angina. Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes … you are active might prevent symptoms. If you have angina when you get up and start your daily activities, try …
Health topics
… and meeting your expectations. Praise your child when your child learns and masters new tasks, and afterward when your child does them well. Encourage your child to play … way to express feelings of frustration, anger, or fear when your child begins a breath-holding spell. For example, …
Health topics
… Overview Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a combination of health conditions and activities puts … rest your hands. Switch hands and change positions often when you are doing repeated motions. Use your whole hand to … hand, or wrist numbness or pain. If your symptoms improve when you stop, resume that activity gradually. Wear a wrist …