5540 results found
Medical tests
… of chemicals in your blood (serum osmolality) increases. When serum osmolality increases, your body releases ADH. … the concentration of chemicals in your blood decreases. When serum osmolality decreases, your body stops releasing … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… has been recent. EBV antibody testing is usually done when you have symptoms of infectious mononucleosis and a … testing may also be done to check for antibodies to EBV when a person has a disease or uses medicine that causes … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Health topics
… to improve a person's symptoms. Medicine may be needed when the person is in danger of harming himself or herself or others or when the caregiver is unable to deal with the situation … But they can cause drowsiness if the dose is too high. When minor tranquilizers are needed, short-term or …
Health topics
… vaginally or not. If you have had a vaginal childbirth: When the sponge is used exactly as directed , it is about … of 100 people who use it will have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed , it is about 73% … footnote 1 If you have not had a vaginal childbirth: When the sponge is used exactly as directed , it is about …
Health topics
… found in wheat, rye, and other grains. This problem starts when the body's immune system attacks the small intestine when gluten is eaten. The immune system is supposed to fight … foods may have hidden gluten. Know what foods you can eat. When you're on a gluten-free eating plan, there are many …
Health topics
… What causes it? Vibrio vulnificus foodborne illness occurs when you eat seafood infected with the bacteria or you have … These kinds of drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of … in the same place. And don't use the same cutting board when preparing them. Eat shellfish immediately after …
Health topics
… What is diverticular bleeding? Diverticular bleeding occurs when pouches ( diverticula ) that have developed in the wall … not completely understood. Doctors think diverticula form when high pressure inside the colon pushes against weak … in the bowel, adding to the high pressure. Pouches may form when the high pressure pushes against weak spots in the …
Health topics
… problems? Voice problems usually include pain or discomfort when you speak or difficulty controlling the pitch, … across your open vocal cords, and out your mouth and nose. When you speak, your vocal cords close partially as air … weeks. Trouble swallowing or breathing. Coughing or choking when you swallow. Frequent throat clearing or the sensation …
Health topics
… is sometimes called "hardening of the arteries." It occurs when fat (cholesterol) and calcium build up inside the … surrounded by a fibrous cap. This cap may tear or rupture. When this happens, the body repairs the injured artery … heart attack . Stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) . When atherosclerosis affects the arteries that supply blood …
Health topics
… the past. There are two main ways that radiation is done. When it is given from a machine outside the body, it's called external beam radiation, or EBRT. When radiation is placed inside the body, it's called … surgery for breast cancer. Radiation therapy may be given when a person with cancer is not well enough for other …