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Health topics
… Overview Medicine errors can happen when you're in the hospital. As an active patient, you can … allergies. If the nurse doesn't ask, say your full name when the nurse comes in to give you medicine. Write down … member ask—for a copy of your hospital medicines list. When someone comes in to give you medicine, make sure that …
Health topics
… but unable to move, and loss of consciousness—especially when it is combined with alcohol or other drugs. GHB has … to ease the negative effects of a crack or cocaine binge. When flunitrazepam is mixed with alcohol, its effects may … the influence of the drug. Flunitrazepam may lead to death when mixed with alcohol or other depressant drugs. Related …
Health topics
… to smoke. You have an important reason for leaving. When you cannot remove yourself from a difficult situation, or when the temptation to smoke is triggered by something other … reading, or working a puzzle. Take a hot bath or shower. When you are tempted or have the strong urge to smoke: Try …
Health topics
… can help you set up your plan. The plan should include: When you will talk with the person. Don't try when the person is drunk. Usually, the best times to talk … about the person's behaviour. For example, you can say: "When you [specific behaviour], I feel [feeling]." You will …
Health topics
… sex life. You can ask your doctor to help you know if or when it's okay for you to have sex. If you or your partner … Be well rested before having sex. Avoid sexual activity when: It's too hot or too cold. You're under stress. You've … if you're having symptoms, such as trouble breathing, when you have sex. Talk with your doctor before trying an …
Health topics
… You may notice enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, swelling, or redness of the … Hydroceles are not usually dangerous and are treated only when they cause pain or embarrassment or when they decrease the blood supply to the penis (rare). …
Health topics
… just a problem with the elbow. It also involves the wrist. When the wrist moves, it affects the tendons that attach to … of your elbow. Your elbow may feel stiff, and it may hurt when you make a fist. Some people with golfer's elbow feel … can happen slowly or quickly. The pain may get worse when you swing a racquet or golf club, squeeze a ball, shake …
Health topics
… Tell your doctor if you have symptoms, like palpitations, when you have sex or when you exercise. Talk honestly with your partner about … you get a shock during sex, you will follow your plan about when to call your doctor. Will your partner get shocked? …
Health topics
… fast and slow arrhythmias. These include: Periods of time when the sinus node does not fire at all (sinus pauses) and … over and cause the heart to beat. Prolonged periods of time when the heart rate is spontaneously very slow and does not … have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation . It can occur when the heart's natural pacemaker is damaged. If you have …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Puberty is the time of life when people develop physically and sexually so that they can have children. It is the time when male and female sex characteristics appear and when changes in the sexual organs occur. Puberty is the …