1161 results found
Health topics
… Postural drainage Chest and back percussion Controlled coughing Ways to clear your lungs Controlled coughing Coughing is how your body tries to get rid of mucus. But the …
Health topics
… is a lung infection that can make you very sick. You may cough, have a fever, and have trouble breathing. It often … What are the symptoms? Symptoms of pneumonia may include a cough, a fever, shortness of breath, or the chills. You may … Or you may have chest pain that often feels worse when you cough or breathe in. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will …
Medical tests
… of urine ( urinary incontinence ) that may occur when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise. A Bonney test is done as … test, after the doctor verifies that urine is lost with coughing. It is similar to the bladder stress test except … The catheter is then removed, and you are asked to cough. The doctor looks for any fluid loss and notes the …
Medical tests
… This is called sensitivity testing. You may be asked to cough to provide the sputum sample. Some people can't cough deeply enough to produce a sample. They can breathe in a special mist to help them cough. Why It Is Done A sputum culture is done to: Find …
Health topics
… having a poor appetite, and being less active than usual. Coughing, especially when lying down. Fever. Lower … of lower respiratory system infections include: Shallow coughing that lasts through the day and night. Fever. It may … increases with age. In babies and small children, a hacking cough may be the only symptom of mild asthma. If asthma gets …
Health topics
… the fall and winter. Its main symptom is a harsh, barking cough. Croup causes swelling and narrowing in the voice box, … cause it can be passed from one person to another through coughing and sneezing and through close contact. Regular … are caused by narrowed airways. They may include: A barking cough. The cough is often compared to the sound of a barking …
Health topics
… happens, the tubes swell and produce mucus . This makes you cough. What causes acute bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is … Antibiotics can help shorten the length of time you have a cough, but they may cause side effects and contribute to … you can try that may help you feel better: Relieve your cough by drinking fluids, using cough drops, and avoiding …
… combination product is used for the temporary relief of cough, sneezing, or runny nose due to the common cold, hay … respiratory allergies. This product contains a non-opioid cough suppressant (such as chlophedianol, dextromethorphan). It affects a certain part of the brain (cough center) to help you stop coughing. This product also …
Health topics
… blocked by food or an object): Can't cry, talk, breathe, or cough. May grasp their throat. May become severely anxious … Older Than 1 Year A person who is choking cannot talk, cough, or breathe, and may turn grey or blue. The Heimlich … you are sure the person is choking. If the person can cough or make sounds, let the person cough to try to get the …
Health topics
… having a poor appetite, and being less active than usual. Coughing, especially when you lie down. Fever. Lower … their symptoms are usually more severe. Symptoms include: A cough that lasts through the day and night. It often brings … usually go away without treatment. Symptoms may include a cough, a mild sore throat, nasal congestion, a runny nose or …