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822 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in our water, air, food and soil. At low concentrations, fluoride in … (MAC) in the Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality is 1.5 mg/L. Whether naturally occurring or added … more resistant to bacteria and decay. It also helps to repair the earliest stages of tooth decay. Where can …
Health topics
… for infertility. Tests may check hormone levels, semen quality, or the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. How is … who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Varicocele repair. This is used to cut or bypass an enlarged vein in the … Surgery for Endometriosis Myomectomy Varicocele Repair Surgery Vasectomy Reversal Complementary Treatments …
Medical tests
… that can tell how much fat tissue you have and where it is. Air displacement plethysmography. This is similar to underwater weighing, but it uses air instead of water. Results Experts have different … that can tell how much fat tissue you have and where it is. Air displacement plethysmography. This is similar to …
Health topics
… catch the Ebola or Marburg virus just by breathing the same air as an infected person. For the virus to spread to you, … recover depends on how strong your immune system is and the quality of care you get. How can you prevent infection? If … catch the Ebola or Marburg virus just by breathing the same air as an infected person. For the virus to spread to you, …
Health topics
… supplies, and information on hand will improve the quality of your self-care. Self-care tools are the basic … Vaporizer Humidifiers and vaporizers add moisture to the air, making it less drying to your mouth, throat, and nose. A humidifier blows cool to lukewarm mist into the air, and a vaporizer puts out hot steam. A cool-mist …
Health topics
… because of enlarged tonsils that may block his or her airway. Talk with your doctor about the possible benefits of … older. For some children, tonsillectomy can greatly improve quality of life. Enlarged tonsils can block your child's upper airway and cause snoring and breathing problems. Surgery can …
Health topics
… depression, stress, and anxiety. Exercise can improve your quality of life, endurance, and muscle strength. It can help … how well your body uses oxygen. Increasing how much air your lungs can take in and how well they do it. Reducing … how well your body uses oxygen. Increasing how much air your lungs can take in and how well they do it. Reducing …
HealthLinkBC files
… water that meets the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality for lead. However, under certain conditions, lead … drinking water? The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality set a maximum acceptable concentration of 0.005 mg/L … Health Canada – Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality