6360 results found
Health topics
… is bedrest? Bedrest is limiting physical activity during your pregnancy. It can last a few weeks or even months. It may be at home or in the hospital. Your doctor may put you on partial bedrest or full bedrest. … focus on how you are helping to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible. There are also many things you can do …
Health topics
… toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can … that don't fit well can also cause an ingrown toenail. If your shoes are too tight, they might press the nail into the … can cause toes to be very painful. Many hospitals and health care centres have foot care clinics, where someone …
Health topics
… sore is a shallow sore shaped like a crater (ulcer) on your tongue or on the inside of your lip or cheek. Canker sores have a red border and a … using mouth-numbing medicine for children of any age. Health Canada warns that some of these can be dangerous. …
Health topics
… during pregnancy. It gives the baby food and oxygen from your body. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta stays firmly … can be very harmful. In rare cases, it can be deadly. Your baby may be born too early ( premature ) or at a low … will probably have to stay in the hospital so your baby's health can be watched closely. In most cases, the baby will …
Medical tests
… of thyroid tissue can be taken by: Fine-needle biopsy. Your doctor puts a thin needle through the skin and into the … biopsy method rather than surgery. Core needle biopsy. Your doctor inserts a needle with a special tip and removes … disorders. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of …
Health topics
… that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For example, people … may look swollen. And it may hurt to wear glasses or comb your hair. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a … examination and ask you about your symptoms and past health. For example, the doctor may look for arteries on the …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … and emotionally. It can also put you at risk for other health problems, such as: Eating disorders . Depression . …
Medical tests
… or can be injected into a vein. It travels through your body, giving off radiation signals. The camera "sees" … medicines or supplements for a while before the test. Tell your doctor about all of the medicines and natural health products you are taking. Your doctor may ask you to …
Health topics
… get good at removing bilirubin from the blood. If you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours, mild jaundice will usually go away on its own after a few days. But if your baby has any signs of jaundice, you and your doctor … becomes a concern. It may be that some babies have health problems that make them more likely to have bilirubin …
Health topics
… that causes CF. The test can help you find out if you and your partner have an increased chance of having a child born … test shows that you are a carrier of cystic fibrosis (CF), your partner should also be tested. If you had this … You may decide not to have testing if your provincial health plan does not pay for it. Testing does not identify …