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4542 results found
… the mixture, without chewing, right away or within 2 hours. After drinking the mixture, rinse the cup with another half … and your risk of side effects will increase. If you vomit after taking a dose, do not take another dose. Take your … history, especially of: liver problems Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist about all the products …
Health topics
… C. diff) may occur while you take an antibiotic or shortly after you finish the antibiotic. Laxatives, such as Becolax, … problems and certain types of cancer. Diarrhea may occur after stomach, bowel, or gallbladder surgery, or after bariatric surgery for obesity . Many times …
Health topics
… or causing other health problems and needs more treatment. Surgery. When hyperparathyroidism is causing health problems … from high calcium levels, doctors usually recommend surgery. Removing the problem parathyroid gland(s) is the only treatment that can cure this condition. Surgery can also be an option for people who don't yet have …
… insulin release in response to high blood sugar (such as after a meal) and decreasing the amount of sugar your liver … split, chew or crush the tablet. Wait at least 30 minutes after taking semaglutide before you eat or drink anything … is stressed (such as due to fever, infection, injury, or surgery). Consult your doctor because this may require a …
… joint or muscle as directed by your doctor. Wash your hands after using, unless you are using this medication to treat … (a history of worsening breathing with runny/stuffy nose after taking aspirin or other NSAIDs) liver disease … attack) high blood pressure stroke recent heart bypass surgery (CABG) swelling (edema, fluid retention) diabetes …
… disorders. It may also be used to prevent blood clots after surgery, during dialysis, during blood transfusions, when … vein, flush the catheter/line with normal saline before and after infusing drugs that interact with heparin such as …
… your pill at the same time each day. Taking this medication after your evening meal or at bedtime may help if you have … enough time to work. Continue taking one tablet every day. After taking the last tablet in a pack, start a new pack the … tobacco. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a …
Health topics
… can work with a doctor and hospital to care for your baby after birth. Or you may want to have tests because you … your need to know about any problems, and what you might do after you have the test results. Your spiritual beliefs and … or cleft palate or certain heart problems—can be fixed with surgery after birth and sometimes even with surgery during …
Health topics
… decision, you may have a hard time knowing what to do. Is surgery the answer? Is another test the right choice? Is it … deciding about a costly or risky test or treatment, like a surgery. You are not clear about how well a test or … nearest university hospital. If you are deciding about a surgery or other special treatment, ask your primary care …
Health topics
… Decide about banking blood. If you are going to have surgery and expect to need a blood transfusion , you may want to bank your own blood a few weeks before the surgery. If you do need a transfusion, doctors can use your … notes when the doctor visits you. If you're going in for surgery, follow the instructions exactly about when to stop …