4542 results found
Health topics
… But most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about … Multiple Pregnancy: Twins or More Pregnancy Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) Citations American College … But most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about …
Health topics
… each year. A cluster period might last 1 month or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another … bad very fast. The pain gets worse within 5 to 10 minutes after the headache starts and can last for 15 minutes or … each year. A cluster period might last 1 month or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another …
Health topics
… reaction to the oil. You become allergic through contact. After you've come in contact with these plants, your immune … had contact with plant oil, clean it off your skin with an after-contact product as soon as possible. These products, … reaction to the oil. You become allergic through contact. After you've come in contact with these plants, your immune …
Health topics
… infections, they tend to return. They can come back even after successful treatment and especially if you don't do … to get infected. Put powder on your dry feet or hands after you take a shower or bath. Wear sandals or roomy shoes … infections, they tend to return. They can come back even after successful treatment and especially if you don't do …
Medical tests
… learn how long you should wait to test your lung function after taking your medicine. You may need to wait a few hours after taking the medicine to do the test. Or your doctor may … They are usually lower in the morning and higher in the afternoon. A person with poorly controlled asthma may have …
Medical tests
… Risks There is very little chance of having a problem after a joint fluid analysis. Infection, bleeding, or damage … are causing an infection may be seen under a microscope after being coloured with a Gram stain (a special dye). … Risks There is very little chance of having a problem after a joint fluid analysis. Infection, bleeding, or damage …
Medical tests
… missed menstrual period. This can be as early as 6 days after the egg implants. The test can also be done as part of … about your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Soon after delivery, hCG can no longer be found in your blood. … missed menstrual period. This can be as early as 6 days after the egg implants. The test can also be done as part of …
Medical tests
… in a woman's blood varies throughout her menstrual cycle . After menopause , it drops to a very low but constant level. … ovaries in girls before menstruation starts and in women after menopause. Help explain enlargement of breast tissue … in a woman's blood varies throughout her menstrual cycle . After menopause , it drops to a very low but constant level. …
Health topics
… holds. The cradle hold position usually does work well after breastfeeding is well established. Cross-cradle hold … your infant's mouth as you roll toward your rooting baby. After the baby has latched on, use this arm to cuddle and … holds. The cradle hold position usually does work well after breastfeeding is well established. Cross-cradle hold …
HealthLinkBC files
… infant; or inflammation of the inside of the uterus after vaginal delivery or caesarean section. What is the … of birth control, such as a condom, until your next period after completing the antibiotics. How can I reduce my chance …