4544 results found
Medical tests
… stool, enema liquid, mucus, or blood through the scope. After your doctor has moved the scope forward, it is slowly … growths. Tissue samples may be sent to a lab to be checked. After the test After the scope is removed, your anal area will be cleaned …
Health topics
… through the wall of muscle that's holding it in. It happens after surgery in the belly, in the area of the incision. It can happen months or even years after surgery. This type of hernia can occur in people who: …
Health topics
… Symptoms of a broken collarbone include: Immediate pain after falling or being hit on the collarbone or in the … broken collarbones heal on their own. If you don't need surgery, you will use a sling to keep your arm and shoulder … surgery is especially important in young, active people. After surgery, you will use a sling for up to 6 weeks. Your …
Health features
… prophylaxis? Post-exposure prophylaxis is treatment after an individual has been exposed to a disease. Prompt … results be communicated to the health care provider looking after an individual who is concerned they have been exposed. … application to the court can take place as soon as 3 days after the date you were served with the Notice. The court …
Health topics
… on its own. Take medicine to complete the miscarriage. Have surgery to complete the miscarriage. Key points to remember There is no treatment that can stop a miscarriage after it has started. The goal of treatment is to prevent an … work. If medicine, waiting, or both don't empty the uterus after several weeks, you may need surgery. FAQs What is a …
Health topics
… has spread to nearby tissue. Radiation is sometimes used after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells and to relieve … becomes solid, and it stays solid for about 3 months. After that, it dissolves. The spacer shields the rectum from …
… recent heart attack) diabetes eye diseases (such as cataracts, glaucoma) bone loss (osteoporosis) blood clots … for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or emergency treatment, or if you get a serious … recent heart attack) diabetes eye diseases (such as cataracts, glaucoma) bone loss (osteoporosis) blood clots …
… recent heart attack) diabetes eye diseases (such as cataracts, glaucoma, herpes infection of the eye) bone loss … for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or emergency treatment, or if you get a serious … recent heart attack) diabetes eye diseases (such as cataracts, glaucoma, herpes infection of the eye) bone loss …
Health topics
… the facts Your options Use GnRH-a to shrink fibroids before surgery, to stop heavy bleeding, or to treat symptoms for a … for as long as you take it. This shrinks fibroids. After you stop taking it, your fibroids may grow back. … symptoms only, because fibroids grow back fairly quickly after treatment stops. It's possible—but not likely—for you …
Health topics
… learn more about how you think, act, and feel. What happens after screening? If you have symptoms of depression, your … normal for a child to be moody or sad at times, such as after the death of a pet. But if these feelings last for … may ask questions about these things too. What happens after your child's or teen's screening? If your child has …