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6344 results found
Health topics
… Preventing ACL Injuries On this page: Overview Overview A lot … riding a stationary bicycle for 5 to 10 minutes. Warming up your muscles reduces the risk of injury. Make stretching part of your warm-up before the activity and your cool-down after …
Health topics
… Chronic Myofascial Pain On this page: … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, your doctor will ask if you have had a recent injury or do any repetitive activities. Your doctor will also ask where the pain is, how long you …
Health topics
… A hot flash is a sudden feeling of intense body heat. Your head, neck, and chest may get red. Your heartbeat may speed up, and you may feel anxious. You … level. You can try lifestyle changes that may help you manage or reduce your hot flashes. Avoid using tobacco or …
Health topics
… Removing Moles and Skin Tags On this page: Overview Overview Moles Moles are … treatment for moles. But some can turn into cancer. Talk to your doctor if a mole bleeds, itches, burns, or changes size or colour. Also let your doctor know if you get a new mole. Make sure to wear …
Health topics
… Vaginitis On this page: … the symptoms? Symptoms of vaginitis may include a change in your normal vaginal discharge (including grey, green, or … pain or bleeding when you have sex. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your vagina for redness and swelling …
Medical tests
… Pericardiocentesis On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is … hours before the test. Because this is a test involving your heart, you may have to stay overnight in the hospital … help you relax. You will get a shot of anesthetic to numb your skin and deeper tissues. Then a long, thin needle will …
HealthLinkBC files
… from person to person (TB disease in the lungs or throat), your health care provider may ask you to stay in home … . What does home isolation mean? Remain in your home and avoid contact with others Take your medicines … Your used masks and tissues can be put in the regular garbage. Be sure to wash your hands frequently, especially after …
Health topics
… Cystectomy On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well … is done through a cut (incision) the doctor makes in your lower belly. Sometimes it can be done as laparoscopic … or scope, and other surgical tools through small cuts in your lower belly. The doctor is able to see your organs with …
Health topics
… Preventing Blisters On this page: Overview Overview You can help … Wear shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you are sitting and when you are standing. …
Health topics
… Smoking: Choosing a Good Time to Quit On this page: Overview Overview Your attempt to quit is more likely to succeed if you pick a good time. Anytime that you can focus your energy and attention on your goal of quitting tobacco …