6334 results found
Health topics
… worry and find some calm. Here are some tips. Acknowledge your feelings. Try to recognize what you're feeling when … to write down how you're feeling and why. Pay attention to your mindset. The way you think about things really does affect the way you feel. If you tell yourself that something is too hard or too stressful, it's …
Health topics
… Getting Started Breastfeeding is good for you and your baby. Even with diabetes, you can have the same chance … nutritious diet. A registered dietitian can help you tailor your meal plan to meet your nutritional needs, your target blood sugar range, and …
Health topics
… kinds of injuries are caused by putting too much stress on your muscles, joints, or other tissues without allowing them … the symptoms? Golfer's elbow causes pain on the inside of your elbow. Your elbow may feel stiff, and it may hurt when you make a …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … extra iron. This medication is not recommended for use in children less than 3 years old (see also Precautions …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … on your medical condition and response to treatment. For children, the dosage is also based on weight. Do not …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … checkups. Keep vaccine records for yourself and all of your children, and after your children are grown provide their …
Medical tests
… genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. This test can help you know your chance of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer . A … cancers. You can inherit the gene changes from either your mother's or father's side of the family. BRCA gene … a high risk of cancer and could pass that risk on to your children. This information could also affect your …
Health topics
… or other contaminated surfaces. This can happen by putting your hands to your mouth after gardening, cleaning a cat's litter box, or … cooked meat, especially pork, lamb, or venison, or touching your hands to your mouth after touching the meat. If you are …
Health topics
… a baby and are worried that you may have toxoplasmosis, ask your doctor about getting tested. Routine testing is not … usually immune and can't get it again or pass it on to your baby. But if you aren't immune, you'll want to take … by eating food that has touched tables and counters your cat has walked on. What are the symptoms? If you get …
Health topics
… staying awake or alert when you are supposed to work your shift. You may not be able to sleep during the day, and … do get. Shift work sleep disorder involves a problem with your body's 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. Light is a cue to be awake, while dark tells your body to sleep. When you work at night and sleep during …