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Health topics
… periods of time. Aerobic exercise gets more oxygen to your muscles. This allows them to work longer. Exercises for … while doing any of the exercises, rest in a position where your shoulders are supported, such as in a chair, and wait until you can breathe easily again. Talk to your doctor. Your doctor may ask that you do specific …
Health topics
… might not feel like doing the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy. And this can raise your risk of having a heart attack. Getting help from your doctor Many people wonder if their symptoms of anxiety …
Health topics
… heartbeat ( arrhythmia ), it's important to talk to your doctor about what type and level of exercise is safe for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and amount of exercise … that's is safe for you will vary depending on the cause of your abnormal heart rhythm and whether you have other forms …
Health topics
… health. Cardiac rehab can help you feel better and reduce your risk of future heart problems. The program includes … The team designs a program just for you, based on your health and goals. Then they give you support to help you succeed. You will learn how to reduce your risk for heart problems, how to manage stress, and how …
Health topics
… controlling the pitch, loudness, hoarseness, or quality of your voice. As you exhale, air gently passes through your throat, across your open vocal cords, and out your mouth and nose. When you …
Health topics
… It may cause problems, such as heart failure. This means your heart can't pump the blood your body needs. It can be long-term and sometimes causes … trouble breathing when you lie down. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and your past …
Health topics
… medicine. There are steps you can take to help you take your medicine as prescribed. Work with your doctor to: Find the right medicine or combination of … side effects and work well for you. Solve any problems with your medicine schedule. Your doctor may be able to change …
Health topics
… disabilities? Learning disabilities make it hard for your child to learn in certain areas. Your child may have trouble with listening, speaking, … Not doing well in school, and with no clear reason. Your child also may: Talk later than expected and be slow to …
Health topics
… or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your doctor's instructions and only remove the splint if your doctor says it's okay. Most splints can be adjusted. Your doctor will show you how to do this and will tell you …
Health topics
… plenty of rest and feels secure. Here are some ways to help your child. Have regular rest times for your child during the day. Ensure that your child gets adequate sleep at night. Have regular daily …