6336 results found
Health topics
… lifting for 4 weeks after you become ill. It can be the first sign of mono in a small number of people. A ruptured … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Healthy eating
… Place Sell Most or Sell items in the spotlight: Score your food and beverages using the Checklist for freshly made … front of the food tray line or a food section (e.g. as the first hot entrées or the first dessert the student sees). … This information is not meant to replace advice from your medical doctor or individual counseling with a …
Health topics
… the bottom up. This type of scrape looks pink and raw at first. As it heals, the new skin sometimes appears yellowish … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… return to sports. This is also a good idea for adults. The first treatment for a concussion is 1 to 2 days of rest, … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… should get all their nutrition from breastfeeding for the first six months. However, for some new mothers, breastfeeding may not be possible (especially if your baby is preterm). Here is a video on Cup Feeding and … Methods to help. Supplements are not recommended for your newborn. Read our article on Formula Feeding to learn …
Health topics
… and diarrhea. Trouble sleeping and feeling anxious. Keeping your attention focused. Symptoms can range from mild to … alcohol, exercise, and standing for a long time. When you first notice symptoms, lying down may help you feel better. How is it diagnosed? To learn what is causing your symptoms, your doctor may: Ask about your symptoms, …
Health topics
… nicotine. You inhale, and nicotine vapour is absorbed into your mouth and throat area. You don't absorb the nicotine into your lungs like you do with a cigarette or an electronic … inhaler. Use the nicotine inhaler longer and more often at first. In a few days you will find what works best for you. …
Health topics
… GERD can help with heartburn during pregnancy. These focus first on making lifestyle changes, such as changing your eating habits. Some non-prescription medicines are generally safe during pregnancy. But talk to your doctor or midwife before you use them. How is heartburn …
Medical tests
… made by the body to fight the virus. They will be in your blood if you have a hepatitis A infection now or have … These can be found as early as 2 weeks after you are first infected. They disappear 3 to 12 months after the … 8 to 12 weeks after you are first infected. They stay in your blood and protect you from hepatitis A permanently. Why …
Health topics
… especially to children. Don't give any antihistamines to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. The use of cream or ointment antihistamines is not … epilepsy, or an enlarged prostate. Antihistamines can cause your other health problems to get worse and also may …