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6336 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Lung function tests check to see how well your lungs work. The tests can find lung problems, measure … a lung disease is working. The tests look at: How much air your lungs can hold. How quickly you can move air in and out … fibrosis . For this test, you breathe through a tube. First you breathe air that contains a tracer gas. Then you …
Health topics
… for fibromyalgia. Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles, and increase your endurance. It also may reduce the risk of tiny injuries … If 3 to 5 minutes of activity are all you can manage at first, just do that. When you're ready, try to exercise a …
Health topics
… new outer surface. You may need two or more visits to your dentist to repair a severely decayed tooth with a … base covered with a thin layer of ceramic that matches your teeth and looks like a normal, healthy tooth. Crowns … in the back of the mouth may be made of gold. During your first visit, your dentist will take out the decay and make …
Health topics
… typically positioned head-down (vertex), ready to pass head first through the birth canal. Sometimes a fetus is in a … the baby's head down toward the cervix include: Propping up your hips by lying back on a firm surface with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Raise your hips …
Health topics
… Pregnancy. After birth, good nutrition plays a role in your baby's dental health, especially if you are … child. You can help prevent early childhood tooth decay in your child by making sure that your family practices good … Breastfeeding your infant to sleep is safe. Your baby's first tooth usually erupts at about 6 months. Many babies …
Health topics
… will try to destroy the new organ. These medicines weaken your immune system and make it harder for your body to destroy your new organ. But they also make it … inflammation and prevent rejection of the organ. For the first few days after your transplant, you'll likely have a …
Health topics
… hard. Try these tips to stay active when you travel. Plan your exercise when you prepare for your trip. Take the time to think about your trip and how … doesn't have a workout room, find a nearby gym. Exercise first thing in the morning. You may be more likely to do it …
HealthLinkBC files
… an emergency? If the police or RCMP orders you to evacuate your home or community, leave the area immediately. You are … people to assist you during an emergency. Give them keys to your home and add their contact information to a shared … a 72-hour grab-and-go bag: Water Food (ready to eat) Small first aid kit Special items, such as extra eyeglasses, …
Health topics
… for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially in … or phone if they keep you from getting to sleep. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask … of rest You likely will not have a normal schedule when you first start to breastfeed. But you can take naps and find …
Health topics
… learning how to communicate, make eye contact and recognize your voice. Your baby’s physical development can be rapid. Providing … can expect in terms of growth and development during the first year. Physical growth in newborns Growth and …