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6338 results found
Health topics
… caregiver interacts with their children. For victims, the first step is to protect the child by moving them into safe … of the child's symptoms and other related events. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Report your concerns to your local child …
Medical tests
… Prepare If you think you might have a kidney stone, talk to your doctor. You may be told to collect the stone by straining your urine through a fine-mesh strainer or through fine … may buy one from a drugstore. How It Is Done Straining the first urine specimen of the morning is important. That's …
HealthLinkBC files
… for people with certain medical conditions. Speak with your health care provider to find out if you need a second … not be given to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more information on Reye …
Health topics
… To encourage an older adult to talk about the past: Show your interest in the person by sitting in a relaxed manner, looking at the person, and nodding your head often. This lets the person know that you want to … "Tell me what it was like when you went to high school (first got married, started your family, started your
Health topics
… to a child unless you've checked with the doctor first. Decongestants . These clear up a stuffy nose. They … itching of nasal passages, and sneezing. Overuse can make your congestion worse ( rebound congestion ). So don't use … may make it worse. You should use them only if your high blood pressure is under control. Examples of …
Health topics
… (complete). There is no feeling or movement of the areas of your body that are controlled by your lowest sacral nerves. This means that you don't have … through T12) and 12 thoracic nerves (T1 through T12). The first thoracic vertebra, T1, is where the top rib attaches …
Health topics
… race car, and even sign their names on the car. John knows firsthand how hard it is to quit after you start using … heard of dopamine before. It's the 'feel good' chemical of your body. Normally your body dishes it out regularly to keep you on an even …
Health topics
… Stimulation for Chronic Pain Expert: Be Active to Help Your Back Heal First Aid for Low Back Pain Get Chores Done Without Making Your Pain Worse Getting Help Around the House Getting …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. If you are taking or have recently taken antibiotics , tell your doctor. How It Is Done To collect a tissue or fluid … may be given a shot to numb the area ( local anesthetic ) first. Once a sample is collected, it is placed in a …
Health features
… C, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you should go to your nearest emergency department immediately. It is … against infection ( HealthLinkBC File #97 ). To find your nearest emergency department, search the HealthLink BC … can pursue a testing order through the Provincial Court. First, provide the source individual with a Notice of …