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Health topics
… the incisions. The doctor is able to use the scope to see your organs and do the surgery. The type of surgery you have depends on your health needs. With either type of surgery, the … other surgery. You can expect some discomfort during the first few days after surgery. This can often be controlled …
Health topics
… reach toward the rail. Help them as needed. Gently place your hands on the shoulders and hips, and guide the person … for one person to do it. Position the person You and your assistant will stand on opposite sides of the bed. If … fold the pillow under and tuck the other edge under the first edge. That creates a "roll" that stays in place better …
Health topics
… as well as occasional excessive use of alcohol, can harm your health. If you have been drinking heavily all your life, you are at risk for increased blood pressure, … you might drink alcohol, talk to your doctor or pharmacist first. Alcohol and falls Age-related physical changes can …
Health topics
… surgery. It redirects blood around blocked blood vessels in your lower leg or foot. It is often done if you have pain. … done if you have foot sores caused by circulation problems. Your doctor will use something called a graft to make the … about 1 week. You can expect your leg to be swollen at first. This is a normal part of recovery and may last 2 or 3 …
Health topics
… lazy eye or amblyopia ). Having strabismus can be hard on your child's self-esteem. It affects your child's appearance as well as their ability to see … is tired or sick. A newborn's eyes may be misaligned at first. But the eyes should become aligned by 3 to 4 months …
Health topics
… Floaters are spots, specks, and lines that float through your field of vision. Flashes are brief sparkles or lightning streaks that are easiest to see when your eyes are closed. They often appear at the edges of your … cases, a retinal detachment happens without warning. The first sign of detachment may be a shadow across part of your
Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and … are required, usually the next week and then throughout the first year after surgery. Your eye will feel irritated and …
Medical tests
… test ("tox screen") checks for drugs or other chemicals in your blood, urine, or saliva. Drugs can be swallowed, … a mucous membrane . In rare cases, a tox screen may check your stomach contents or sweat. A tox screen may check for … of a drug in the body and to confirm the results of the first test. Toxicology tests Normal: No unexpected drugs are …
Health topics
… bronchitis is a cough that usually is dry and hacking at first. After a few days, the cough may bring up mucus. You … have a cough for more than 4 weeks. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This usually gives the doctor …
Health topics
… are no guarantees that a bunion surgery will fully relieve your pain. A regional anesthetic that affects only the foot … what is best. The surgery you get needs to be specific to your bunion. More than one procedure may be done at the same … a more normal position. Removal of bone from the end of the first metatarsal bone, which joins with the base of the big …