6338 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… way to know if you have high levels of manganese is to test your water. The water supplier or well owner is responsible … systems monitor for contaminants, including manganese. Your water supplier will know if manganese levels are too … environmental health officer at your health authority. First Nations Health Authority 604-693-6500, toll-free …
HealthLinkBC files
… used to keep biting insects, such as mosquitoes, away from your skin and clothing. Some repellents are also helpful … work by discouraging insects from landing on and biting your skin. Insect repellent should be used when you are … may wish to consider the use of non-chemical methods as a first line of defense. What are the age restrictions when …
Health topics
… scarring and to promote healing. You may be able to do this yourself for minor wounds. You'll have to stop any bleeding, … If gloves aren't available, put something else between your hands and the wound. You can use many layers of clean … through the cloth, apply another one without lifting the first. If there is an object in the wound, apply pressure …
Medical tests
… generally nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Blood sample from a … are collected from the baby's heel. The skin of the heel is first cleaned with alcohol and then punctured with a small … There is very little risk of a problem from a heel stick. Your baby may get a small bruise at the puncture site. Blood …
Health topics
… earache, sore throat, and pain when you swallow or open your mouth. Tiredness, with aching in the muscles and … headache, painful testicles, or severe belly pain, call your doctor right away. How is it diagnosed? Mumps is … and public places until 5 days after the salivary glands first start to swell. footnote 1 In general, you don't need …
HealthLinkBC files
… who inject drugs or are sex trade workers Depending on your immunization history, you may receive a dose of … provide long-term protection against infection. Speak with your health care provider. For more information, visit … not be given to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more …
HealthLinkBC files
… antibodies taken from human blood. Antibodies are proteins your immune system makes to fight germs, such as viruses or … in people who received Ig. Who should get immune globulin? Your health care provider may give you Ig after exposure to … not be given to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … Surgery? Before Surgery You will have an appointment with your surgeon before your surgery. Take along a list of … need it, make plans for someone to stay with you for the first 24 hours. Shower before surgery as instructed. Don't …
Health topics
… a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into an artery in your upper leg (groin) or wrist. The doctor moves the … The catheter is guided into the blood vessels of the heart. First, your doctor inserts the catheter into a blood vessel in the …
HealthLinkBC files
… Do not try cooking frozen or partially frozen meat Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food, after handling … the proper sanitizer strength based on the concentration of your bleach product www.foodsafe.ca/dilution-calculator.html … as a sauce on cooked meat unless the marinade is boiled first Serve cooked meats right away or keep them hot. They …