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Health topics
… that the school staff needs to know to make sure your child's diabetes is under control. Your province may have a care plan template that you can … . Check with your school or province about which of these tasks require …
Health topics
… baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that … for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find ways to … to build the bond between you and each baby. It can give your babies better health. If you plan to breastfeed your
Health topics
… prevented. The best treatment plan is one set up by you and your health care team, based on your particular needs and feelings. You are the authority on … good at preventing and controlling nausea and vomiting. Your doctor should be able to find one that works for you. …
Health topics
… Ages 1 to 5 On this page: If your child who has Down syndrome is between the ages of 1 … years, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help answer your questions and guide you to appropriate resources to …
Medical tests
… Overview A medicine blood level test measures how much of your medicine is in your blood. Your doctor checks it to make sure that you are taking a …
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer is moved across your chest. It looks like a microphone. The transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are …
Health topics
… you work nights or rotating shifts, taking good care of yourself can be a challenge. It's common to feel "off," … routine. The following tips may help you make some changes. Your doctor may recommend things for you to try. You can … the day. Our bodies often prefer to sleep at night. To help your body prepare for sleeping during the day, you can: Wear …
Health topics
… and after exercise. Keep a record of how exercise affects your child's blood sugar level. Using your records, you can learn to predict how your child will react to being active. Here are some things …
Health topics
… breast pump is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can … the benefits of breastfeeding when you have to be away from your baby. Pumping will help keep up your milk supply. It also prevents the discomfort of your
Health topics
… failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart suddenly cannot pump as much blood as your body needs. Sudden heart failure causes rapid fluid … heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Conditions that affect your need for oxygen. These include anemia (not having …