6340 results found
Medical tests
… different functions of the eye. Some of the tests measure your ability to see details at near and far distances, check for gaps or defects in your field of vision, and evaluate your ability to see … as two numbers, such as 20/20 (6/6) or 20/100 (6/30). The first number is the distance you stand from the chart, …
Medical tests
… may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. How It Is Done This test is done in an … may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. You may need to take off all or most … them. If your arms are being tested, they will be tested first while you lie down. Then they'll be tested again while …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Nerves carry messages back and forth from your low back and legs. By testing how well your muscles, reflexes, and sense of feeling are working, … part of your low back, in the area of the last thoracic and first, second, and third lumbar vertebrae (T12, L1, L2, L3 …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to … cast or splint and sometimes having surgery. Even if the first X-rays or other imaging tests do not show a fracture, …
Health topics
… a disease caused by a type of coronavirus. This illness was first found in 2019 and has since spread worldwide … in many people who get it. But certain things may increase your risk for more serious illness. These include: Age. … a complete list. If you have a chronic health problem, ask your doctor if you should take extra precautions. The more …
Health topics
… urges even when you have only a little bit of urine in your bladder. You may not be able to hold your urine until you get to the toilet. This can lead to … stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor first. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of …
Health topics
… get good at removing bilirubin from the blood. If you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours, mild jaundice will usually go away on its own after a few days. But if your baby has any signs of jaundice, you and your doctor … Feed your baby at least every 2 to 3 hours during the first week or two. This helps keep bilirubin moving out of …
Medical tests
… immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is usually the first one used to detect infection with HIV. If antibodies … antibodies. If you have a positive test result, contact your sex partners to inform them. They may want to be tested. You may be able to get help from your local health unit to do this. Why It Is Done A test for …
Health topics
… may be removed to prevent or correct crowding in the mouth. Your dentist or an oral surgeon, who specializes in … done in the dentist's or oral surgeon's office. The dentist first numbs (freezes) the area around the tooth. You may … days and can cause severe pain. If you get a dry socket, your dentist can treat it with medicine. You and your …
Health topics
… when they quit smoking. Most people gain some weight at first after they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … starting a much healthier life. Smoking is much worse for your health than gaining a few kilograms. If you try to lose …