6340 results found
Health topics
… pregnancy. It's a soft plastic ring that you put into your vagina. It's also called the vaginal ring. The ring … go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be very light. Or you may use … you won't have your period. How well does it work? In the first year of use: When the ring is used exactly as directed …
Health topics
… be used with psoralen. Psoralen is a medicine that makes your skin more sensitive to light. This treatment is called … limited area. Treatment is usually several times a week at first. Once your psoriasis is doing better, you may have it less often. …
Health features
… a mask in crowded public spaces, and cough and sneeze into your elbow Cleaning your hands regularly Avoid touching your face, especially … bring your child to the BC Children's Emergency Department First Nations Health Authority: Respiratory Virus Season: …
Health topics
… of the uterus before the procedure. For the procedure, your doctor may give you medicine to help you relax. You may also get medicine to help with pain. First, your doctor places a tool called a speculum into your …
Health topics
… Alcohol Use On this page: Overview Overview If changing your alcohol use is a goal, then knowing what you'll gain by … that you have good reasons to cut back or quit—whatever your goal is. Put a check next to the statements that you … you are struggling to remember why you took the step in the first place. Current as of: November 14, 2022 …
Health topics
… antibiotics that have more side effects. So always ask your doctor if antibiotics are the best treatment. Explain … to family members, children, and co-workers. People in your community will have a risk of getting an infection that … those bacteria that are a bit stronger and that survive the first few days of treatment. …
Health topics
… spreads from infected people who don't show symptoms. If your child has roseola, keep him or her at home until there … up to 8 days. The rapid increase in temperature may be the first sign of roseola and often occurs before you realize that your child has a fever. The fever ends suddenly. After the …
Health topics
… are inexpensive, last 10 to 20 minutes, and mould well to your body. Mix 720 mL (3 cups) water and 240 mL (1 cup) … can also buy cold packs that can be reused. Store them in your freezer. Some of them are designed to wrap around an … long as you have pain, swelling, and inflammation. For the first 72 hours, ice for 10 minutes, once an hour. After …
Health topics
… at high risk for type 2 diabetes should be tested at the first prenatal visit and again between 24 and 28 weeks. footnote 1 After delivery Even though your gestational diabetes will probably go away after your baby is born, you are at risk for having the condition …
Health topics
… become too tight if the skin swells. Clean the burn Wash your hands before cleaning a burn. Do not touch the burn with your hands or anything dirty, because open blisters can … or an arm, keep the limb raised as much as possible for the first 24 to 48 hours to decrease swelling. Move a burned leg …