6342 results found
Health topics
… How bad malaria symptoms are can vary depending on your age, general health, and the kind of malaria parasite … is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask you questions about your health and do a physical examination. If the doctor … blood. This can help with decisions about treatment. If the first blood smear doesn't show malaria, your doctor may …
Medical tests
… Check for too much or too little iron in the blood. See if your diet is providing enough iron. Find out if treatment to keep the right amount of iron in your blood is working. How To Prepare Do not eat or drink … give you specific instructions. This test is often done first thing in the morning. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… be done on a urine sample. If you have chlamydia, all of your sex partners from the last 60 days should be tested and … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … wipe the genital area clean before urinating. Collect the first part of your urine stream, just as you start to …
Medical tests
… . This is because insulin and C-peptide are linked when first made by the pancreas. Insulin helps the body use and … the cause of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). How To Prepare Your doctor will give you instructions about eating and … used to treat type 2 diabetes can change the test results. Your doctor may ask you to stop these medicines before your …
Health topics
… in activities that he or she used to enjoy. The change in your loved one's or friend's behaviour may be so great that … depressed? Here are some things you can do to help: Educate yourself The more you know about depression, the better you … too. These caregiver tips can help: Take care of yourself first. Do things you enjoy, such as seeing family or going …
Health topics
… Everybody has bad breath from time to time, especially first thing in the morning. Saliva has a cleaning action … such as an infection or cancer. How can you care for yourself? Mouth care Gargle with water. Floss your teeth once each day. Use a mouthwash for temporary …
HealthLinkBC files
… common ingredients used to manufacture the chlorine used in your drinking water. Why is chlorine added to drinking … been used to disinfect water? Chlorine disinfectants were first added to a public water supply in North America in … reason they all get the generic labeling of “chlorine.” Your water supplier chooses the product used in your …
Health topics
… and grow at a steady but slower pace than during their first 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2.5 kg (5 lb) , … web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at www.dietitians.ca/Your-Health/Nutrition-A-Z/Toddlers/Child-growing-well… to …
Health topics
… condition is getting worse. The caregiver is seen (or videotaped or recorded) harming the child or causing … caregiver interacts with their children. For victims, the first step is to protect the child by moving them into safe … of the child's symptoms and other related events. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Report your concerns to …
Medical tests
… Prepare If you think you might have a kidney stone, talk to your doctor. You may be told to collect the stone by straining your urine through a fine-mesh strainer or through fine … may buy one from a drugstore. How It Is Done Straining the first urine specimen of the morning is important. That's …