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Health topics
… of hearing loss include muffled hearing and a feeling that your ear is plugged. You may have trouble understanding what … at a higher volume than in the past. How is it diagnosed? Your health care provider will do a physical examination and … not aware of it. Often, family members or friends are the first to notice the hearing loss. Social situations can be …
HealthLinkBC files
… be prevented with immunization. Getting immunized protects your health and prevents the spread of disease between you and your patients, and between you and your family and friends. … cause swelling and pain in the joints. Infections in the first 3 months of pregnancy can cause severe harm to a …
HealthLinkBC files
… a second dose of epinephrine as soon as 5 minutes after the first dose Ensure the resident gets to a hospital The above … food Tell food suppliers about the food allergies at your facility Make sure staff who buy, store, prepare and …
Health topics
… happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You may feel … about the event, and thinking negative thoughts about yourself and the world. What are the symptoms? After going … training or going to the washroom. Children who are in the first few years of elementary school (ages 6 to 9) may act …
Health topics
… called dysphagia. It is usually a sign of a problem with your throat or esophagus —the muscular tube that moves food … Have problems getting food or liquids to go down on the first try. Gag, choke, or cough when you swallow. Have food … a type of barium swallow that allows your swallowing to be videotaped. Laryngoscopy. This test looks at the back of …
Medical tests
… The doctor puts a lighted tube through incisions in your belly. This tube is called a scope. Then the doctor … for surgery. Preparing for surgery You may need to empty your colon with an enema or laxative. Your doctor will tell … used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision. Then air is slowly put through the needle to …
Health topics
… Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Actionset Overview If your child doesn't want to feel the insulin needle, your child's doctor can prescribe an indwelling subcutaneous … bottle or cartridge. When an insulin vial is used for the first time, write the date on the bottle. Insulin stored at …
Health topics
… valve may be mechanical or made of animal tissue. You and your doctor can decide before surgery which type of valve is … to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. When the aortic valve does not close properly … type of valve you have and how long you live after your first surgery. Current as of: February 27, 2023 …
Medical tests
… the genitals, which are the penis, scrotum, and testicles. Your doctor will feel the organs and check them for lumps, … do anything special to prepare for an examination done by your doctor. But for comfort, you may want to empty your … Is Done Testicular examination The examination may be done first while you are lying down. Then it may be done again …
Health topics
… or other nut or seed butter. You can get more protein in your food by adding high-protein ingredients. For example, … grain products. Eating foods rich in vitamin C will help your body absorb iron. Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is found … around age 6 months, offer your baby iron-rich foods first, such as iron-fortified infant cereal, finely mashed …