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Health topics
… Overview Overview Kegel exercises make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. These muscles control your urine flow and help hold your pelvic organs in place. Doctors often prescribe Kegels …
Health topics
… or SLE) symptoms. But poor nutrition makes it harder for your body to battle chronic illness. To make sure that you have a healthful, balanced diet, your doctor may oversee your food intake or refer you to a registered dietitian . …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your joints hurt when you do an activity, you can do a number of things to help yourself. Use the largest joints or strongest muscles to do things. When you lift a heavy object off the floor, use your hip and knee muscles, not your back. When you carry a …
Health topics
… Program On this page: Overview Overview Your cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) might include an … hospital. The home program can be one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. The goals of a home program include: … a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking care of yourself after you leave the hospital. Getting stronger and …
Health topics
… is a tiny tube that puts pain medicine into an area in your back around your spinal cord. This is called the epidural space. An … Analgesics relieve pain by decreasing pain signals from your surgery site to your brain. They do not affect your …
Health topics
… the attempt to start producing breast milk at a time when your body normally would not. A woman may try relactation … and nipple stimulation (by hand or electric breast pump). Your doctor may also prescribe a medicine to stimulate milk … fully developed until the end of pregnancy. Also, feeding your baby at the breast may help start and increase milk …
Health topics
… Overview Talking with family members about what you want at your funeral is important. Think about the things you want for your funeral. For example: Do you prefer burial to … and no viewing? What special requirements, if any, does your religion require? Do you want flowers at your funeral …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called triggers. Here … you drink and eat. Dry skin. Use a moisturizer to protect your face from dryness. Use skin care products for sensitive … And avoid any products that are abrasive or that irritate your skin. Exercise. Stay as cool as possible when you …
Health topics
… comprehensive metabolic panel is a blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, … kidney function, and liver function. Most of the time your doctor will order individual blood tests based on your health. Sometimes a panel (or group of tests) may be …
Health topics
… Common Questions About Giving Yourself Shots On this page: Overview Overview How do I get … is what to do if you bend or break a needle while giving yourself a shot. Carefully remove the needle if you can. … container with a lid). If no medicine went in, you can give yourself another shot. If some medicine went in, check with …