6334 results found
Health topics
… cooked eggs (including cookie dough), raw (unpasteurized) milk, cheeses made with raw milk, or unpasteurized juices. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Nerves carry messages back and forth from your low back and legs. By testing how well your muscles, reflexes, and sense of feeling are working, … be decreased or absent if there is a problem with the nerve supply. To test your reflexes, your doctor will use a rubber …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to … because parts of the scaphoid bone don't have a good blood supply. If your bone does not heal well, you can have …
Health topics
… that carry blood to the head, especially those that supply the eyes, temple, and jaw. Because it often affects … that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For example, people … may look swollen. And it may hurt to wear glasses or comb your hair. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a …
Health topics
… need to take care of the incision as it heals. Caring for your incision may help lower the risk of problems like infection. Your doctor may have used stitches, staples, skin glue, or … to keep the area clean, change the bandage according to your doctor's instructions, and watch for signs of …
Medical tests
… also called cardiac calcium scoring. The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. Normally, the coronary … more study or printed out as photographs. Why It Is Done Your doctor may want you to have a coronary calcium scan if … clear about whether you should start treatment to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease. footnote 1 A coronary …
Health topics
… will teach you about eating well and about controlling your blood sugar levels. You will learn how to manage … problems. You will find helpful tips on how to take care of your feet, and you will learn how to manage other health … Diabetes . Gestational Diabetes . Diabetes: Taking Care of Your Feet . Diabetes: Should I Get an Insulin Pump? . Health …
Health topics
… of good nursing homes. Visit several nursing homes with your family. Most nursing homes have an admissions coordinator who is able to answer your questions and show you the facility. Discuss what you … more than once. As you look at the choices before you or your loved one, pay special attention to how each one feels …
HealthLinkBC files
… way to know if you have high levels of manganese is to test your water. The water supplier or well owner is responsible … for potential contaminants. Large public drinking water supply systems monitor for contaminants, including manganese. Your water supplier will know if manganese levels are too …
Health topics
… sure that the bed is high enough so that you don't hurt your back. If it is low, it is okay to put your knee on the bed to reach over and bathe the person. … hold clean water for rinsing the soap off. Use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot. …