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6333 results found
Health topics
… surgery to remove a piece of the liver. Up to one-half of your liver can be removed if the rest of it is healthy. The doctor makes a cut (incision) in your belly to take out part of the liver. If the doctor removes the right side of your liver, your gallbladder will also be removed. Liver …
Health topics
… hymen , then you may have surgery. For other causes, your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to help control your cycle. It can also help protect your bones. Your doctor also may prescribe calcium …
Health topics
… or face mask. This sends the medicine directly to your airways and lungs. Depending on your needs, you can get a small, portable nebulizer or one … Follow the directions for use and cleaning that come with your nebulizer. For a tabletop unit: Make sure that the air …
Medical tests
… disease . A tumour in an adrenal gland. How To Prepare If your doctor tells you to fast before your test, do not eat or drink anything except water for 9 to 12 hours before you have your blood drawn. In most cases, you are allowed to take …
Health topics
… "or-kee-EK-tuh-mee") is surgery to remove one or both of your testicles. It is usually done to treat testicular … be put into the scrotum. You should be able to do most of your normal activities after 2 to 3 weeks. But you will not be able to do anything that requires your body to work hard. It's important not to strain with …
Health topics
… time out to smoke and from the actions of nicotine in your brain. If you return to the stressful situation after … comes back. And then you need another cigarette. Ask yourself questions about why you smoke. Ask yourself these questions to see whether you smoke to relieve …
Health topics
… background in nursing gives them a unique perspective on your health. The nursing lens focuses on health promotion, … can: Act as the primary care provider for you and your family, similar to a family physician Help you manage and improve your physical and mental health Conduct medical and physical …
Health topics
… you go to bed if cramps wake you at night. Avoid pointing your toes while you stretch. Try not to sleep with your toes pointed. Keep your legs warm while sleeping. Warm up well and stretch …
Health topics
… Overview Normal changes occur in your feet as you age. Feet tend to spread, possibly causing shoe size to change. Have your feet measured each time you buy shoes. Do not assume that your shoe size has not changed. The bottoms of the feet lose …
Health topics
… likely to leave scars. Antibiotics improve the look of your skin by killing bacteria that cause acne. This means … means less acne scarring. You can put antibiotics right on your skin (topical) or take them by mouth. Talk with your doctor before using these medicines if you are pregnant …