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6334 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laryngoscopy is an examination that lets your doctor look at the back of your throat, your voice box (larynx) , and vocal cords with a scope …
Health topics
… Overview Recovery means finding your path to a meaningful life. It puts you in control of your life and helps you gain self-confidence and respect for yourself. You can use recovery for substance use and mental …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Your health care provider may request that you have one or more ultrasound scans during your pregnancy. These prenatal ultrasound scans provide … important medical information that will help you and your health care provider create the best care plan for you …
Health topics
… exercises. You can also try techniques that help you relax your jaw muscles. Exercise Try a gentle exercise to restore … improve flexibility, and strengthen the jaw muscles. Your doctor, dentist, or physiotherapist can recommend … additional exercises. Do not do this exercise when your pain is severe or if it makes your pain worse. While …
Health topics
… (LCL). The LCL is a band of tissue on the outside of your knee. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg and helps keep the knee from bending outward. …
Medical tests
… to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part of the eye that's most responsible for your vision. Common imaging methods include: Colour and … black-and-white photography. A camera magnifies the back of your eye and makes pictures. Optical coherence tomography, …
Health topics
… The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you … Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed. … is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this …
Health topics
… progress, you may be able to do some of the exercises on your own. If you are concerned about falling, always have … If you begin to fall, you may use them for support. Put your feet together and your arms to your side. Hold this position for 30 seconds. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at your airway through a thin viewing device called a bronchoscope. During a bronchoscopy , your doctor will examine your throat, larynx , trachea , and …
Health topics
… oximeter is a device that checks to see how much oxygen your blood is carrying. Usually a small clip is put on the end of your finger. (Sometimes it's put on your toe or earlobe.) The device shines a light beam through …