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6332 results found
Health topics
… cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can help you stabilize your knee and return to activity. You may have: … . For an autograft, the surgeon uses tendon tissue from your own body. This can be done safely. Often, part of the … is usually done through arthroscopic surgery. This means your doctor will put a lighted tube with a tiny …
HealthLinkBC files
… by-products. These by-products can also get inside your home from car exhaust coming in through a garage. What … monoxide detector Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): May irritate your eyes, nose, throat and lungs and cause shortness of … exposure Particulate matter (PM, PM2.5, PM10): May irritate your eyes, nose and throat May lodge in the lungs, causing …
HealthLinkBC files
… logs or big rocks can cause serious injury. Stay within your abilities Swim only where you feel comfortable. Do not … close to shore. Cold water or rough conditions may impact your swimming abilities. Never swim alone Use the “buddy … Play carefully If you lost consciousness after hitting your head against pool walls or rocks, you could drown. Do …
Health topics
… that makes it dangerous for you to drive, your doctor might suggest that you stop driving, at least … about driving when you have certain medical conditions. Your doctor might suggest that you not drive if you have … Any symptoms you may have had, like fainting. The cause of your arrhythmia. The likelihood that your arrhythmia will …
Health topics
… or burn slightly. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin. When the treatment is done, the area may be … less injury on the surface but affects the deeper layers of your skin. It is used to treat fine lines, deeper wrinkles, … red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an antiviral drug called acyclovir …
Health topics
… to spend a night away from home. But other things, such as your overall health, may require a hospital stay. How It Is … correct position usually stays in place for 3 to 6 weeks. Your toes may be taped together for 4 more weeks while they … might need a special shoe. How soon you can start wearing your own shoes depends on how quickly you recover. You may …
Health topics
… Alcohol has both immediate and long-term effects on your body, including an increased risk of injuries and chronic diseases. The less you drink, the lower your risk. Different factors put some people more at risk … the more alcohol you drink per week, the more you increase your health risk. For example: Not drinking at all has …
HealthLinkBC files
… after being cured. If you have chronic HCV, you should see your health care provider regularly. During these visits, … may have physical exams and other tests to see how healthy your liver is. You may also be referred to a specialist for … cookers, filters, water, needles or syringes Never donate your blood, semen, body organs or tissues Tell your health …
Health topics
… based on a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A blood test or spinal …
Health topics
… lazy eye or amblyopia ). Having strabismus can be hard on your child's self-esteem. It affects your child's appearance as well as their ability to see well. Other kids may tease your child for being cross-eyed or having a walleye. Be …